Fox And Friends Find Black Teabagger To Defend Ferguson P.D.

The election of our first black president has unearthed several race-traitor African Americans, but none more extreme than Kevin Jackson. Not surprisingly, The "Black Sphere" is funded by the Liberty Alliance, which turns out to be a Dominionist group, founded on the Biblical principles of white supremacy.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, the obligatory blonde female on the couch at Fox and Friends, is always trying to show her diversity. This morning, with Hasselbeck at the helm, the triumvirate of tragedy tried their damnedest to blame Al Sharpton for escalating the situation on the ground in Ferguson. In order to drive this point home, they look to "The Black Sphere," a subsidiary of a vehemently racist organization, The Liberty Alliance. With headlines like Riots, Welfare, Racism, and Rampage: Obama's Legacy of Hopelessness, they gin up hysteria over all things liberal, Obama and left. Headed by Biblical fanatic Brandon Vallorani, this Dominionist group manages to appear diverse with subgroups like The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson. Like Clarence Thomas and Dr. Ben Carson, black people's biggest problem is they don't act more white.

Fox ferrets out self-loathing black people daily

Jackson accuses Al Sharpton of using the Ferguson uprising as a profit-making opportunity.

Didn't you hear his cash register going off? He's doing what Al Sharpton does; to stir up turmoil... they put Ron Johnson in charge,it's gotten worse, it's up to the level of Barack Obama, it's gotten worse....we're talking about these black leaders that are supposed to quell things and it's gotten worse.

Kilmeade tries to defend Ron Johnson and plays the clip of Johnson sincerely apologizing for the misconduct of the police department. Jackson says it's the wrong message to emphasize that his own son is black!

Kevin Jackson believes Officer Darren Wilson acted appropriately by killing an unarmed black teenager. Jackson is described as a highly sought national speaker, and he has graced the stage with luminaries as Sarah Palin, Neal Boortz, Herman Cain, Judge Napolitano, and Andrew Breitbart, to name a few. His marching orders are from a very extremist group that accuses Obamacare of killing jobs, while President Obama profits from arming terrorists. The Black Sphere and the Liberty Alliance are not about liberty or Black equality. They are obvious shills for more Conservative hate.

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