Fox Fearmongers Over "Illegals" Crowding Our Schools

"Trouble With Schools," is Fox's callous take on educating refugee children in a Maryland school district. Kilmeade insists they come to Obama's America because they get big bucks."Send them back," no matter how dangerous their own countries are.

Fox and Friends' (of the 1%) Brian Kilmeade, with the help of a stooge from the Heritage Foundation, strikes fear into the hearts of wholesome Americans who subscribe to Jesus' teachings: do unto illegals as scary brown people would do unto you. These refugee children, many of whom have been sent back to Central America to be terrorized or killed, have the audacity to be kids AND illegals. These additional students could cost state and local taxpayers $38 million. They are not only costing us ungodly sums of money but they are increasing the ratio of pupils to teachers. Worst of all, they are going to require ESL teachers because they didn't choose to be brought up speaking English.

Kilmeade sought the wisdom of Derrick Morgan, vice president of economic freedom for the Heritage Foundation, who weighed in on the crisis. Kilmeade sets the bait with, 'who's to blame?' That damned Obama, again, who doesn't have a strategy to deal with these ILLEGAL immigrant children. In what may be the biggest oxymoron ever said, Morgan proclaimed,

The Federal government should treat them with kindness and they need to send them home IMMEDIATELY.

We know of several children who, because of right wing outrage, were sent back to their country and thus were killed, so sending them to their deaths is the least kind thing to do for them.

Kilmeade responds,

People used to come here and it would be 'forge your own way.' Now you come here and the money just flows to you. But the money that flows to these illegals belongs in other places, in a country $17 trillion in debt. Something's gonna break.

There was no mention of this big bad deficit when Bush dealt with the border. It's not as if Bush increased the deficit.

'Our hands are tied,' the guest asserts, because of the Supreme Court decision that basically grants asylum to refugees from non-contiguous nations. Apparently we need to help them in their own country, which we've really FUBARed with our ineffective and destructive 'war on drugs.' The US authorities estimate that close to 90% of the cocaine entering the country crosses the US/Mexico land border, most of it entering the state of [newly indicted Governor Perry's] Texas.

Not once does Heritage man or Kilmeade really explain how we're supposed to stop the violence and abject poverty in countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. They just say, it's Obama's fault. All of it. Always. Period. Next fear-mongering story please!

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