Fox 'Medical Expert' Donald Trump Compares Ebola Virus To AIDS

Donald Trump doubled down on his fearmongering over the Ebola virus on this Monday's Fox & Friends.

Donald Trump was back for his regular segment on this Monday's Fox & Friends and decided to double down on his attack on the Ebola-infected doctors who are being treated here in the United States. Not only was he still calling for those doctors to be kept out of the United States, he decided to one up the crazy by comparing the virus to the AIDS epidemic.

Fox has got enough quacks on the air already. They really don't need one more.

From Fox's blog: Trump Reacts to Backlash Over Tweet on Ebola-Infected American:

Anna Kooiman asked Trump about the tweets, noting that doctors like Brantly are overseas trying to save lives.

“They are great people. They're tremendous people. But they have to suffer the consequences. They go and they try and help other people, but things like this happen," said Trump, expressing a lack of faith in the CDC's ability to control the virus.

"Our country has enough problems. Send the doctors to Liberia. Send the doctors to West Africa to take care of our people. It's one thing. But don't let them in," he said, calling for a ban on flights into the U.S. from West African nations like Liberia.

He expressed concern that people will flee those countries, unaware that they're carrying the virus.

"If you look at the AIDS epidemic, it started very small and then all of a sudden it grew and grew and we have to this day, a massive problem with that. This all started from a very, very small sample," he argued.

In addition to critics, Trump pointed out that he's seeing a lot of support on Twitter for what he's proposing.


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