Hartmann: How Long Before Texas Changes Open Carry Laws Now That Group Named After Black Panther Leader Is Taking To The Streets?

Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann wonders how long it will take for Texas to change their open carry laws now that groups like the Huey P. Newton Gun Club are taking to the streets to protest.

Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann wonders how long it will take for Texas to change their open carry laws now that groups like the Huey P. Newton Gun Club are taking to the streets to protest.

As he discussed in the segment above, they used to have open carry in California as well, and that changed back in the 60's when a conservative Republican state assemblyman, Don Mulford proposed legislation to put a stop to the Black Panthers showing up armed to the hilt any time they heard that an African American was being stopped on their police scanners.

Now that this is going on in Dallas, Texas, Hartmann wonders how long it's going to take before we see the same thing happen there. As he noted, most of these open carry advocates don't mind idiots running around with loaded firearms in public as long as they're the right color.

Armed Huey P. Newton Gun Activists and Black Panthers Marched Through Dallas Yesterday:

The woman in the passing car shouted, "Black power!" And the gun-rights advocates lined up on the sidewalk outside Forest Avenue Baptist Church on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard returned the call. In the heat of a Wednesday afternoon, about 30 black men and a few women, dressed head-to-toe in black, stood with long guns slung around their shoulders. They marched to protest police brutality in general and to encourage gun ownership.

A few groups were represented in the ranks of the marchers, said Charles Goodson, an organizer of the march and head of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, which wants people to know they have the right to own guns. Many marchers had Black Panther patches on their black fatigues. Marcher Priest DeBrazier said the Panthers were there in response to the slaying of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Missouri, but Goodson said the march had been planned before Brown's death August 9.

Either way, several people in the neighborhood joined the march, whether it was to protest police brutality, the situation in Ferguson or just poor race relations in general. Read on...

What in the world are they going to do over at Faux "news" if more images like this one start showing up in the press? They're going to have to choose between the open carry nuts and making people afraid of black people.

Time will tell if Hartmann's prediction comes true. Pass the popcorn while we see how the right reacts in the meantime.


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