John McCain Teaches Chuck Todd How To Host His New Show

Chuckles the Todd intends to show "both sides" and magically end DC gridlock. Todd seems to forget that McCain and his party are hell bent on destroying America.

This week, the fun-loving gang at The Daily Rundown are surprising the outgoing host, Chuck Todd with secret guests each day. Yesterday it was NBC News NASA correspondent Jay Barbree who predicted a newly revived Meet The Press. He said Todd is,

'going to bring back heart, good taste, and fairness.'

Today the bile-inducing nausea continued with the surprise guest being the most popular guest in recent years on Meet The Press. Today's surprise was none other than the Senator who assaulted the intellect of every thinking person with his selection of Sarah Palin as his VP, Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Chuckles was tickled orange with this one.

69-time on guest on Meet The Press, Senator McCain

Blocking out roughly thirty years of history, McCain reminisced about the glory days of Reagan who would negotiate with House Speaker Tip O'Neill back when there was such a thing as a Liberal Republican. Never did he mention the rise of the Tea Party and the hijacking of the GOP by fringe members of the Religious Right financed by pro-pollution billionaires. Todd noted McCain is considered not conservative enough by Arizona Republicans, so he is often maligned by his own party, and we should feel sorry for Ol' Johnny.

On a positive note, Todd mentioned the insane money that is contaminating our elections. McCain asserted, quite to my surprise, that the Citizen's United decision was one of the worst decisions ever made by the Supreme Court. It's going to take a scandal, which is cyclical in nature. Government, according to McCain, works by scandal, reform, scandal, reform and so on and so forth.

McCain got in a dig into President Obama's fundraising network that defeated his presidential aspirations. He said,

in 2008 we took matching funds, which Barack Obama did not.

Chuck Todd happily agreed. Both were horrified that the next presidential campaign could cost upwards of $4 billion. They were surprised and concerned that Hillary Clinton could raise as much money as oligarchs like LDS Bishop, Willard Romney. Todd's eyes lit up at the thought of the robotic candidate running again. When he can book Romney on Meet The Press, it appears all of Chuck's dreams will come true.

The interview wound down with a profession of love from McCain for the second most seen guest on MTP, Bob Dole. Todd cleverly promised to book Dole to help him overtake McCain as the number one guest. Ending the interview, Todd told McCain he couldn't be this nice when he sees him again on Meet The Press. I doubt it. He'll probably be even more accommodating, especially if McCain appears with his partner, Senator Lindsey Beauregard Graham. Oh my stars!

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