Rep. Mike Rogers Claims ISIS Is "One Plane Ticket Away" From U.S.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R. MI) is spending his last term in Congress whipping the public intro a frenzy.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R. MI) was on Meet The Press today to scare the public about the the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS) and the Levant, claiming that ISIS is on it's way to attacking on American soil:

“It’s a very real threat,” the Michigan Republican said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “One of the problems is it’s gone unabated for nearly two years, and that draws people from Britain, to across Europe, even the United States to go and join the fight.”

“They are one plane ticket away from U.S. shores, and that’s why we’re so concerned about it,” he added.

Rogers said the U.S. is safer since 9/11, but more is needed both domestically and abroad.

“We have a better system, but we’re just not configured … to continue a tempo that allows disruption,” he said, adding that nothing was deterring ISIL for years. “Yeah, we might be OK if we continue the posture that we’re in from a defensive posture, but remember, they get new recruits every single day.”

Rogers said the U.S. also needs to engage Arab League partners “in a more robust campaign” and that intelligence agencies and the Defense Department need to be “more disruptive.”

Rogers, the author of the controversial privacy stomping bill, CISPA and one of the NSA's biggest cheerleaders, sounds like he's worried about the post-9/11 fear dying down with the American people. He's retiring from Congress after this year but we all know he'll probably find a home at some lobbying firm advocating new ways to scare the people into giving up their civil liberties and engaging in more wars in the Middle East.

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