Open Thread - An Open Letter To College Republicans!
A friend writes....
Friend of the site Rick writes (reprinted with permission):
Hi Blue Gal,
I just got an e-mail from one Alex Smith asking me to support the College Republican National Committee. Here's my reply:
Dear Alex,
I just received an e-mail from you that begins, “Dear Conservative.” There must be some mistake.
I know, I probably look like a conservative: 67-year-old white guy, veteran and 10th generation American, straight, married to the same woman for 44 years, earned doctorate, retired entrepreneur with three homes, top-1% net worth. And yes, I drive a Rolls Royce, albeit a used one.
But looks can be deceiving. In fact, I am a staunch and unapologetic liberal. I have been since 1968, when I turned 21 just in time to vote against Richard Nixon.
So I believe your e-mail has been misdirected. But rather than just deleting it, I would like to offer a few comments on that e-mail.
You say you are supplying your campus chapters with recruitment supplies like “personalized banners and advertising dollars.” You even send them “items like CRNC sunglasses and drink coozies [sic] to spread the CRNC brand on campus.”
Seriously? You must think today’s college students are drooling imbeciles. When I look at them, I see young people working their tails off to get good educations, only to leave college with mountains of debt and uncertain job prospects – outcomes for which they can thank the GOP.
Still, some few college students may be swayed by such vapid nonsense. I’d say you can keep those people and we’ll take the rest. And if you bag a few errant Democrats along the way, that’s okay, too. Their move to conservatism will only raise the average IQ of both political parties.
You say you help hundreds of students attend CPAC every year. Good for you. Those hundreds of students would probably be more grateful if you helped them with their student loans instead. And just to increase their gratitude, be sure they understand how the GOP wanted to double the interest rates on those loans.
Here’s a marketing idea for you: in addition to the cool shades and koozies, give all those kids wallet-sized cards with pictures of conservative heroes like Dick Cheney, Steve King, Michelle Bachmann, Louie Gohmert, and Sarah Palin on the front. On the back, you can list everything the GOP has been right about in the last 40 years. You should be able to do that in large type. With plenty of white space. The use of “white” space should have a lot of appeal.
Your e-mail asked me if I would give money to the College Republicans this year. The answer is no. This year, I funded six scholarships and gave thousands more to the local library and the food bank. There is no money left over for you.
Your prospects for next year do not look much better, so you may want to remove me from your mailing list.
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