Self-Proclaimed 'Christian' Mike Huckabee Attacks U.N. For 'Whining' About Israel Bombing Gazan Schools

What kind of "Christian" defends the bombing of school children? Looks like we got our answer.

There are so many things wrong with this godawful segment from this Friday's Your World with Neil Cavuto, it's hard to know where to begin, so I guess I'll just start at the beginning, although the beginning is by no means the worst part of what was said by his guest and fellow Fox host, Mike Huckabee.

While discussing the Senate approving another $225M of our tax dollars for Israel's "Iron Dome," or more likely for them to buy more weapons to continue leveling what's left of Gaza and killing more innocent civilians, and the United Nations' criticism of the United States for helping to escalate the violence there, here's how Huckabee started things off when asked to weigh in.

HUCKABEE: The big mistake is that the U.S. is still giving a dime to the United Nations. This organization has so embarrassed itself. I mean, to tell Israel that it ought to give the technology of the Iron Dome to Hamas, a terrorist organization, because after all, they might want to use that technology to protect themselves against the rockets that are only being fired because they started firing rockets into civilian territories in Israel.

Israel isn't that stupid. I mean, to let Hamas have the Iron Dome is like putting Jeffrey Dahmer in charge of being a food critic for The New York Times. It's absurd.

CAVUTO: It is weird though. I mean, it's very clear who the U.N. is siding with on this issue.


I'm sure it will come to no one's surprise here that Mike Huckabee is parroting a bunch of right wing blogs and the Moonie Times and taking the U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights out of context. Here's the article all of the sites he's parroting are linking back to and what she actually said:

The United Nations' senior human rights official said on Thursday she believed Israel was deliberately defying international law in its military offensive in Gaza and that world powers should hold it accountable for possible war crimes.

High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay also said that Hamas militants in Gaza have also violated international humanitarian law by firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel, sometimes from densely-populated areas.

Israel has attacked homes, schools, hospitals, and UN premises in apparent violation of the Geneva Conventions, Pillay said, a week after her Human Rights Council resolved to open a commission of inquiry into Israel's alleged crimes against humanity.

"Therefore I would say that they appear to be defying... deliberate defiance of obligations that international law imposes on Israel," Pillay told a news briefing. "This is why again and again I say we cannot allow impunity, we cannot allow this lack of accountability to go on."

She also criticized the United States, Israel's main ally, for failing to use its influence with the Jewish state to halt the carnage.

"Many of my remarks have been directed to the United States since they are a party with influence over Israel to do much more to stop the killing, to bring the parties to the negotiating table. I've called also for an end to the blockade and an end to the occupation."

Pillay said that she was appalled at Washington consistently voting against resolutions on Israel in the Human Rights Council, General Assembly and Security Council.

"They have not only provided the heavy weaponry which is now being used by Israel in Gaza but they've also provided almost $1 billion in providing the 'Iron Domes' to protect the Israels from rocket attacks," she said. "But no such protection has been provided to Gazans against the shelling."

In HuckaJesus' world, that equals wanting to give the Iron Dome technology to Hamas. That's clearly not what she said. And that wasn't the end of it. The segment continued to get worse from there. Here's how he responded when Cavuto actually brought up the fact that the Israeli response has been "tipped," which is the understatement of the year.

CAVUTO: But once again, is Israel overdoing it? But even some backers of Israel are now saying that its response has been tipped? What do you say to that?

HUCKABEE: Well I think they're wrong. I mean, what else is Israel going to do? They're fighting for their existence. They're not trying to take the territory of Gaza. They didn't create the strikes. They didn't draw first blood. They are trying to defend their country and they're trying to make sure that their children don't have to rush to a bomb shelter every few minutes, because Hamas is indiscriminately firing their rockets at civilian targets.

As Jessie noted here, there are plenty of reasons to question what their real motivation is, and it doesn't have anything to do with who stuck who first or who is running into bomb shelters.

Huckabee saved the most offensive part for last where he went on a tirade against the United Nations and pretended that bad behavior by other countries who are members of the U.N. is an excuse to just dismiss any criticism they have of the United States and Israel, and then he accused them of "whining" about the schools being bombed in Gaza and did his best to justify it.

HUCKABEE: When Israel hits civilian targets, they regret it. When Hamas hits civilian targets, they celebrate it. This is not a good guy vs. good guy. This is good guy, bad buy. There's a clear difference here. There's not symmetry. And the craziness of the U.N., the person in charge of the so-called human rights committee of the U.N., made up of such wonderful examples of human rights champions, like North Korea and China and Russia and Cuba, those are the people who make up... and Saudi Arabia, and they're condemning Israel.

Well I would say that's a real plus for Israel that they're being condemned by idiots at the U.N. who somehow think human rights are being championed in the countries like I've mentioned.

CAVUTO: You know it's interesting too governor that the reason for Israel's upping the response is the discovery of these tunnels and how sophisticated they were to penetrate Israel, yet not a mention by the U.N., not a mention by much of the press across the world.

HUCKABEE: Nor a mention of the fact that in three of the sites that they whined about, oh the Israelis hit a school, those schools were housing Hamas rockets and what did they do when they went through the rubble? They gave the rockets in that school back to Hamas. That's why... yes they did. Three different occasions. What the president should say is, not only are we done with Hamas, but we're done with the U.N.

We're not going to waste another dime of U.S. taxpayer money on this ridiculous organization.

Hey Huckabee, just wondering, do you think Jesus would have "whined" about someone bombing schools?


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