Sen. Bernie Sanders Gearing Up For Potential 2016 Presidential Run

Bernie Sanders is hitting the road and testing the waters for a potential 2016 presidential campaign.

I don't know what kind of chance he has if he does change parties and throws his hat into the 2016 presidential primaries, but I know I'll be happy to see him do it. I think people underestimate Sen. Bernie Sanders' popularity at their peril should he decide to run.

Bernie spoke to MSNBC's Ed Schultz this Thursday about his road trip where he's "trying to ascertain the kind of support that exists for a presidential run."

Here's more on the segment from PoliticusUSA: Bernie Sanders Wants You To Join His Political Revolution To Take Back America :

On MSNBC, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that he is testing the presidential campaign waters to see if ordinary Americans will join him in a revolution that take America back from the big money interests like the Koch brothers.

Sanders said,

Here’s the point on Citizens United. I believe passionately that if we do not overturn Citizens United this country is well on the way to becoming an oligarchic form of society where the billionaire class is going to control our political life. But you know what? It’s not just my view. That’s not just your view. That is what people across the political spectrum believe. Nobody that I know regardless of their political views thinks that American democracy has anything to do with billionaires like the Koch brothers being able to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to elect candidates who represent the rich and the powerful.

I think all of this country when we’re looking at an election coming up where sixty percent of the American people have given up and are not going to vote. What we need to do is remind the American people, you used the word dream. This country can be so much more than we are right now if we work together. If we are prepared to stand up to the big money interests, and when that happens, when that kind of discussion and excitement takes place, people are going to come out of the woodwork. And that is I think what has got to happen, and if we are going to be bring about change in America, that is exactly what must happen.


This is about seeing whether ordinary people are willing to stand up and fight and create a political revolution in the sense of what we have not seen for a very very long time.

Bernie Sanders would like to be elected president, but he seems to be equally as interested in speaking for people who have lost their voices as our politics has become dominated by the interests of billionaires and corporations. Read on...


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