Ann Romney Claims Willard Could Go Back In History And Prevent ISIS

The wanna-be First Lady, Ann Romney tells Fox that ISIL (ISIS at Fox) wouldn't even be a problem if Willard were in charge.

Willard Romney is still the ideal candidate to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy in the mind of his dutiful wife, Ann Romney. Neil Cavuto at Fox interviewed the once and future First Lady-to-be about possible future aspirations for her husband. Her appearance on the scene portends to that very scenario.

She told the Marvin the Martian-voiced Cavuto how Willard would have retroactively and magically reversed the course of history by getting the Al-Maliki government to agree to the Status of Forces Agreement that President Obama wasn't able to achieve in 2011. This, according to folks on the Right, is the reason for the rise of ISIS. But this happened prior to the 2012 race, and wasn't an issue during the campaign. No one ever brings up the dissolution of the Iraqi army in the unjustified invasion and occupation of Iraq which happened in 2003. No, the problem is all President Obama's, especially if you rewrite history.

The Romney's financial coach Anthony Scaramucci feels he is the best man for the 2016 GOP nomination and believes he should run again. On the plus side, this time, Reince Preibus has decided to limit the debates. Ann says there were just "too many debates."

She appreciates and respects all the people, especially Wall Street players like Scaramucci, who acknowledge America's tragic mistake of electing that "fence sitter," Barack Obama. A fence sitter was a person who couldn’t decide between Jesus or Lucifer in the pre-mortal "war of heaven" over the best way to implement god’s plan for humankind. As a punishment for their indecisiveness, god sent those wishy-washy spirits to earth to be born in the lineage of Cain and cursed with black skin. The Chosen People of the Latter Day Saints have a mandate to save the Constitution, which is currently "hanging by a thread."

This interview brings back such fond memories of Ann Romney, daughter of an atheist father, who went on to stab him in the back by post-mortally baptizing him as a Mormon. Ann, who colludes in hiding the couple's appalling tax evasion, who worships Mammon (Aramaic for riches) above all, and who is more than willing and happy to screw over the “least of my brethren” (the 47%) without a backward glance. Ann is the living epitome of religious hypocrisy and blindness.

If Jeb Bush decides to run, most likely Willard would not launch a 2016 campaign because they both draw a similar voting base. Ann said she'd support her good friends Nikki Haley and Kelly Ayotte if they ran, because we need a woman to run (against Hillary) and both have proven how favorable they are to the 1%.

She harbors no "bitterness" over the defeat, so she says, but she did blame the media for the loss. Luckily, she had her expensive Dressage horses to comfort her after Willard's "shocking" defeat in 2012. So many people (in her 1% world) tell her what a great president Mitt would have been, so that's also a comfort to her ego. Cavuto tells her how Mitt is in such high demand for Midterm election endorsements. Don't forget he's such a funny guy and that Netflix documentary showed what a "real person" the sometimes stiff Willard Romney really is.

In a world where ISIL is a harsh reality, the idea of Jihad terrifies many people. We mustn't forget that the Mormon cult is also one where evolution is denied. There's a history of violence, guns and polygamy which is eerily similar to the fundamentalist beliefs that define ISIL. The idea that you can kill for the Lord is called blood atonement. It is a tenet practiced by the founders of the faith, especially Brigham Young, who gave several sermons on the practice.

If you believe in a planet called Kolob, of course you can believe your husband can go back in time whenever he wants, and change the course of history. I suppose Mitt is also known as Captain Hindsight.

H/T to @yanquetino for his vast knowledge on Mormon doctrine and hypocrisy.

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