Bill O'Reilly Wants President Obama And Congress To Declare War Against Islamic Terrorists

More bedwetting from the right over the evil terrorists who are coming to get us.

Bill-O used his Talking Points Memo to once again call President Obama weak and attack him for supposedly being too soft on the terrorists -- and now he wants a declaration of war so the United States can prove how tough we're going to get with that evil ISIS.

The bedwetting wasn't quite up to Lindsey Graham freakout levels, but O'Reilly's working on it.

Here's some of O'Reilly's latest rantings from Fox's blog: O’Reilly: Reluctant Warrior Waging Tepid War Against 'ISIS Nazis':

In tonight’s Talking Points Memo, Bill O’Reilly weighed in on the U.S. versus ISIS.

He noted that only 28 percent of respondents in a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll say they are confident that President Barack Obama will be able to defeat the ISIS terror threat.

O’Reilly said this is because Obama hasn’t been assertive in using power, and he even seems to be ashamed of it.

“But now, with weekly beheadings by ISIS, the reluctant warrior must wage war, but not total war – tepid war.”

O’Reilly blasted the president, who he says doesn’t want a wide war on terrorism. “He wants small ball, isolated attacks on evildoers.”

But “The Factor” host said that “with the dramatic rise of the ISIS Nazis, that strategy is not enough.”

According to O’Reilly, only the U.S. can lead a fight against evil, but our president is too nuanced and not fully engaged.

O’Reilly called for Obama and Congress to pass a declaration of war against Islamic terrorists.

Yeah, Obama doesn't want to go after terrorists. Sure he doesn't Bill-O.

And remember all that fawning the talking heads at Faux were doing over David Cameron? It looks like those days are over now. O'Reilly threw him right under the bus this Monday evening and then backed over him. It seems the love affair has finally come to an end.

Now he wants President Obama to start a holy war in the Middle East and go it alone. I'm sure none of them will say anything later if things don't turn out well and he listens to them.


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