Cenk Uygur Takes Joe Scarborough To School On Politics And The Koch Brothers

Wrong again Joe!

The Young Turks Cenk Uygur takes MSNBC's Joe Scarborough to task for his criticism of Harry Reid for going after the Koch brothers and the Democrats' strategy of making them the target in their campaign ads.

Despite their best efforts to carry water for the Kochs for months on end now, as Cenk pointed out in the clip above, Harry Reid's strategy is working.

Still, it’s not just Varoga who’s finding that Democrats may be on to something. A strategy memo summarizing recent polling for a group that has targeted Republican incumbents over climate change contained similar findings.

“One of the most intriguing findings in the polling is that the Koch brothers have emerged as a negative signifier for Republicans aligning with these powerful self-serving corporate fat cats,” wrote veteran Democratic strategist Chris Lehane in the September 10 memo, which was written for the group NextGen and obtained by Politico. It called the Kochs “an electoral millstone dragging down Republicans.”

Lehane wrote that the dynamic is playing out in Senate races in Colorado, New Hampshire, Michigan, and Iowa, where 71% of likely voters said they’d be less likely to support a candidate if he or she was being bankrolled by the Kochs.

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