Publisher Creates ISIS Coloring Books To Terrorize Kids
What better way to teach kids about violence against Christians in ISIS-controlled Iraq and Syria than a coloring book? It's a great way to create new, Islamophobic, Fox News viewers.
There's an all-out assault on America, a Christian nation and it's called Islam, if this wingnut is to be believed. Islam's holy wars, or jihad, sanctions murder in the name of its god, and should be feared from an early age. Six to ten year olds are very impressionable so there's no better time to target them to hate Islam just as much as their xenophobic, Republican parents. The White House has called these coloring books garbage, but Kilmeade and publisher Wayne Bell think it's important to teach hate ASAP. President Obama has not declared war on Islam and fear mongering Republicans want kids to know that he should be feared as well.
Kilmeade and Bell both believe the Obama Administration was very mistaken when they orchestrated the trade of five terror suspects for US Solider, Bowe Bergdahl. He must be a Muslim sympathizer because his dad learned Pashtun to communicate with his captors. There should never be any mercy or acceptance of the Islamic faith, only distrust and fear. This series of ISIS-inspired coloring books will help reinforce the idea that their president is a dirty, Muslim Kenyan.
ISIS is a brutal terror group based on extremist Sunni Islam doctrine which has many Muslims disgusted and outraged. They are indiscriminate about whom they kill, as there is no reason to spare anyone that has not been fully indoctrinated to their version of Islam. Bell, the publisher of this hateful propaganda, wants to explain to children that the most egregious sin of the Jihadists is their targeting of Christians. Republican "frontrunners" like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are followers of Seven Mountains Dominionist doctrine. They believe a Christian Theocracy is the ultimate Utopia. Their version of Christianity believes in killing in the name of god, yet they fail to see the irony in the similarities they share with the Islamic State. It's hard to imagine how Dominionist Christians can deal with the conundrum that many people, whom god also created in "his" image, can get it "so wrong" when it comes to their Islamic belief system.