Cruz Gripes That President Obama Is Fundamentally Unserious

Ted Cruz, the crazy son of the crazy minister, Rafael Cruz revealed more hatred towards our duly elected president. Democratic Administrations never do war right.

In typically smug Ted Cruz fashion, the junior Senator from Texas called President Obama fundamentally unserious twice during the interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. In addition to that ridiculous notion, he called Clinton/Obama foreign policy "Photo-Op Foreign Policy," falsely claimed the president must go to Congress for war powers authorization (which he doesn't), and most flippantly, Cruz accused the Commander in Chief of lobbing missiles and bombs merely for the opportunity to tweet about it.

Naturally, as the Dominionist in Chief of the Christian States of America, he mentions how ISIS is "crucifying Christians!" No Democrat could possibly handle this level of threat, Cruz is certain of that.

The people at Fox/GOPTV won't use the name ISIL, which is the Islamic States of Iraq and the Levant, which shows the breadth of their influence. Cruz labels the group ISIS because his sphere of understanding of the group is limited to Christian=good and Islam=bad. The Senator says,

By going to congress, it forces the president to articulate a clear military objective that is tied to national security....If he lays out a serious, credible plan then Congress will approve it.

There it is. The President is just joking around with Secretary of Defense Hagel, they're just playing. This administration is floundering about with no REAL strategy against a clearly more "serious" bunch who, President Obama mistakenly labeled a "JV Team." He's only about the photo ops.

I guess we should forget this moment in history?

Only Democratic Presidents Like Photo Ops, right?

Let's just come out and say it already! The BLACK President is fundamentally unserious because, how can a black guy be serious, after all? When Birther Daddy says "If we increase the minimum wage, black unemployment will skyrocket," and President Obama will “destroy all concept of God,” the apple can't possibly fall far from the batshit tree.


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