Fox Wants The Saudis To Dictate Obama's Foreign Policy

With the help of a CIA alarmist, the Faux News experts claim that our 'friends' in Saudi Arabia have not been treated with respect, because Obama loves the terrorists.

There is nothing more irksome than watching an "expert" mispronounce nuclear as
noo-q-ler and that is precisely the type of expert who was interviewed on Fox and Freaks. Brian Kilmeade was the head anti-Obama cheerleader who pointed out the missteps of the current Administration regarding ISIL, absent any evidence of any strategic mistakes. In order to lend credence to the Faux Network's disparagement of President Obama's foreign policy, they always dig up the least savory characters they can find. Today's winner, Gary Berntsen, former CIA agent who pushes the absurd notion that President Obama hates the country who elected him twice.

Berntsen said that the Obama Administration has alienated the Saudis by talking to Iran about their nuclear program without consulting King Abdullah first. The failed 2010 GOP New York Senatorial contender claims the president is ignoring the players in this fight which include UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the Saudis. He suggests President Obama hasn't attempted to create a coalition to fight ISIL. President Obama feels the nations who are the most affected, Iraq and Syria, should be providing the boots on the ground when necessary. Berntsen fails to acknowledge the financial support that the Saudis have given to ISIL and treats them as a blameless ally that has been done wrong by Obama.

Sunni big shots in the Arabian Peninsula have funded and will continue to fund ISIL, but this is overlooked by the guest and host (because the network is funded by the Saudis). No one considers that the president is reluctant to employ the nations who seem to favor Jihad over Democracy. Obviously enamored with the sheer wealth of the Gulf Kingdoms, both Berntsen and Kilmeade are blinded by dollar signs and dammit, the president should be too.

Gary Berntsen Tea Party ex-CIA alarmist
That's the bottom line at the network based on the GOP's talking points du jour. If a nation has heaps of cash, they must be the ones who are morally superior. If a dictatorial, misogynist King in an oil-rich country wants to launch a jihadist movement, we should automatically support them. President Obama doesn't seem to share Fox's convoluted worship of the almighty dollar and this, along with his blackness, makes him as bad as the terrorists.
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