Fox's Bolling Longs For The Days We Were Waterboarding Gitmo Prisoners

Fox's Eric Bolling is terribly upset that the United States is no longer committing war crimes and waterboarding our prisoners.

From this Thursday's The Five on Faux "news" the audience was treated to more tough talk from the yappers on there whose full time job it is to denigrate President Obama day in and day out, co-host Eric Bolling was very angry that we're not torturing our prisoners at Gitmo any more.

Brian at News Hounds summed up Bolling's little tirade very nicely here: Eric Bolling Nostalgic For Waterboarding :

The Five’s collection of chickenhawks yesterday couldn’t seem to talk tough enough about ISIS from their cushy, well-paid jobs at Fox News yesterday. It’s the network where fighting ISIS is all about undermining our president for political gain. Eric Bolling led the “blame Obama’s banning of waterboarding” brigade.

In a discussion about an American citizen who wants to join ISIS, Bolling said the following:

Send him to Gitmo and waterboard the hell out of him until he starts talking about what he knows. …We had a way of dealing with terrorists for a while. We decided that wasn’t going to be nice enough to terrorists, so we stopped doing it - and look what happens! iI’s starting to sprout up again. We have dead Americans, we have beheaded Americans. They’re not slowing down.

Maybe we can get Bolling to volunteer to take his buddy Hannity's place and be waterboarded himself so he can tell us all how it's not torture.

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