Fox's Byrnes Worries That ISIS Is Training Migrant Children From Central America To Kill Us

Be afraid everybody! Be very afraid! The terrorists are going to "infiltrate the minds" of those migrant children fleeing violence in Central America to train them to kill us all.

I've seen a lot of ignorant fearmongering over at Faux "news" in the issue of immigration, border security and whether or not members of ISIS might decide to cross our southern border that the Republicans are constantly complaining isn't secure enough to suit them, but this one from this Saturday's Bulls & Bears takes the cake.

Tracy Byrnes, who is one of the regular panel members on that show actually managed to make one of the other regulars, Gary B. Smith, sound almost sane in comparison with this unhinged rant about how ISIS members are supposedly going to train the children who have been fleeing the violence in Central America to come to the United States. Apparently after first becoming mooching welfare queens, the children will do the bidding of their ISIS terrorist masters and kill all of us because they're going to be taught to hate Americans.

Byrnes also says the hell with building just a fence at our Mexican border no matter how expensive, inefficient or useless it proves to be in actually preventing any terrorists from coming here. She doesn't want just a fence built. She wants a wall, dammit and she wants it now!

BYRNES: It's really serious and this has been something that has been bothering me for a while now. We are not taking it serious enough. ISIS is here. I don't care what anybody says. They're here.

And what scares me the most Brenda is that they infiltrate the minds of children and when children cross the border everyone... you know... the tears start coming down. We want to take care of them, but so many of these kids are trained to hate us and eventually kill us.

And yet we are just letting them in, welcoming them with open arms, paying for their medical, paying for everything and it's just going to come back to bite us. Geez, build a wall, not a fence! Build anything you have to to protect this country.

Someone get the woman a diaper, quick.

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