GOP Wingnuts Believe The CIA Is Currently Training ISIL Forces

The latest crazy theory from the right is the idea that the CIA is training ISIL. Yes, Obama hates America so much, he'll train the very same enemy he wants to degrade and destroy.

It’s hard to put the outrage about this scandal into words, but we’ll give it a shot. Based on the numerous scandals before this one, the Obama Administration is the most corrupt — and either the most incompetent or treasonous — in American history.

Naturally, this is the latest news from the Obama Derangement front. Why, you might ask? Because The American Prosperity News Network said so. This is the same publication that deemed President Obama's quote,

“I taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution,”

is considered one of five shocking things Obama said as a Senator. In Republican speak, shocking equals true facts.

Obama-haters believe that ISIL is being trained by the CIA because in 2012, the CIA attempted to combat Assad by training Syrian rebels in Jordan.

However, these good foreign policy intentions have backfired on the Obama Administration in a big way. Especially since the President declared an end to combat operations in Iraq nearly four years ago.

President Obama is, once again, falsely blamed for the withdrawal of U.S troops. He was merely honoring the treaty George Bush signed in 2008 with Iraq to remove all combat forces by 2011. As a result,

It appears that these U.S.-trained forces were better prepared than their Iraqi counterparts. Many American-trained Iraqi soldiers threw down their weapons and uniforms or didn’t offer much resistance to the invading Islamic forces.

The mouthpiece of crazy, from Texas of course, is Mensa member, Louie Gohmert. Urban Dictionary has defined Gohmert as

verb: to say something that is obviously and patently untrue to the point of stupidity, then when called upon to provide concrete evidence of the assertion, to flounder about angrily while shouting about the integrity of the questioner.

Louie believes Obama is in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood. Rep. Gohmert was apparently referring to the debunked right wing conspiracy theory that members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the U.S. government. Naturally, President Obama would not protect the U.S. from ISIL because of the influence of his “Muslim brothers.”

If you check out the #tcot on Twitter, the right is all a flurry over the insane assertion that the man who was duly elected by the American people twice is just out to get us. After all, he's black, his middle name is Hussein and he is not an American citizen. The facepalm is strong with these right wingers.

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