Huckabee: 'Trying To Contain Radical Islamo-Facists' As Irrational As Singing Lullabies To A Malignancy
Fox's Huckabee continued with his dehumanizing rhetoric and the drumbeat for more war on his show this Saturday night.
Fox's Mike Huckabee really is a one trick pony when it comes to his name calling and dehumanizing rhetoric, as we saw not long ago when he was calling Palestinians "viscous mad dogs."
This weekend, Huckabee cranked the fearmongering up to 11 and this time he lumped the Palestinians and Hamas in with Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and ISIS -- as though there's not an ounce of difference between the groups -- and called them all "Islamo-facists" and a "cancer" to boot.
Reducing human beings down to being just animals, or a disease that you want to "eradicate" is useful if you don't want to feel bad about dropping bombs on more poor people's heads in the Middle East, which is what this warmonger is continually calling for every time Fox has him on the air.
I've just got one question for Huckabee after listening to this disgusting rant and that is, "Who would Jesus call a cancer Huck?"
Transcript for those who can't or don't want to watch the clip above.
HUCKABEE: Well, I'm just back from a week in Israel, where our friend and ally is recovering from horrific terrorist attacks from Hamas, launched from the Gaza Strip over nearly two months.
Hamas agreed to eleven different cease fire agreements and broke every one of them except the most recent. Sadly many Americans think that what happens in and to Israel just doesn't matter to them, but the truth is the hatred targeted toward Israel is the exact same hatred target towards Americans.
The fanatic radical Islamic hate that we saw on our own soil on 9-11 2001. The same hate that resulted in the savage beheadings of a couple of Americans and journalists, who video taped, because those animals who did it were actually proud of their sin.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, Boko Haram and ISIS are all branches from the same sick tree. Now it's been thirteen years since radical Islamists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and would have flown another, probably into the U.S. capital, except for the heroism of passengers aboard United Flight 93.
One wonders if the thirteen years that have passed since, have we learned much about our real enemy? Well, our enemy is global, not tribal. And they're not interested in meting out their savage behavior exclusively in the Middle East. Israel, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, they may be the front lines for these loons, but the real target is Europe, and then, the grand prize, the United States.
Sadly the president openly admits he doesn't have a strategy to deal with groups like ISIS. Well let me loan him one.
You don't spare a moment nor any resources in eradicating these cancers on civilization. A person diagnosed with a tumor first wants to know if it's benign or malignant.
Now it it's benign, it may be best to keep an eye on it and just contain it, but if it's malignant, there's an urgency to surgically remove it and then radiate it and or attack it with intense chemotherapy.
I mean a patient never says, “Hey doctor, please don't take all the tumor. Just take some of it and try to tame the rest.” Trying to contain radical Islamofascists like ISIS, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, al Qaeda or Hezbollah, that's as irrational as trying to sing lullabies to a malignancy, just hoping that it will go to sleep and stay quiet.
Look, I know it sounds harsh, but when religious fanatics openly state they want to kill all of us and then prove it by video taping the beheadings of American journalists, we'd better wake up.
The anniversary of 9-11, well, it's a good time for us to remember that the murdering mad dogs that committed those acts are of the same blood of the ones firing rockets into Israel, kidnapping young girls and raping them, shooting Israeli informants in the head behind Hamas, politicians pretending that they really aren't religious fanatics, or somehow believing that we can talk some sense into them, means that someone needs to talk some sense into the politicians.
Look, I wish we could send a diplomat into handle this, but what we'd better do is send some people dropping bombs, shooting rifles and machine guns, and throwing grenades, because we're dealing with a cancer.
We will kill it, or it will kill us. And I vote we kill the cancer.