John Oliver Kicks Ass On Student Debt, For-Profit Colleges

He continues to inspire with his sharp, witty insights into corporate exploitation.

If I had to pick a comedian to show young people about politics, corporate statism and the various ways we're getting screwed, it would be John Oliver, hands down. Because his righteous outrage takes things to a level Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert can rarely go:

As college students head back to campus, John Oliver has some bad news for them: "Essentially, student debt is like HPV. If you go to college, you're almost certainly going to get it. And if you do, it will follow you for the rest of your life." Then he compares student debt to LBJ's testicles.

Most of the segment is a takedown of for-profit colleges, which enroll about 13 percent of all college students but a much larger percentage of student loan borrowing and defaults.

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