Fox Whines About Bigoted Christians Being Persecuted In Canada
Poor persecuted graduates of Trinity Law School! The thought police are testing "faith," IN CANADA! Is the U.S. next?
It's never a good morning without a hefty dose of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, sanctimoniously proselytizing over the persecution of helpless Christians.
Law societies are rejecting graduates of Trinity Western University because signing up for that school means signing a pledge to abstain from pre-marital relations and oppose same sex relationships.
That's wingnut speak for you can be barred from practice because of your personal beliefs, which discriminate unfairly in the name of god.
Maybe the clue is in the opening statement, Elisabeth? They're not only opposing same-sex marriage, but homosexuality in any form. Abstinence is not the issue here, and mentioning it doesn't mitigate the homophobia. Students are not barred from practice for their beliefs. They are persecuted in Canada because the nation has a much more progressive stance about same-sex marriage than the GOP. Christian-victimhood has reached DEFCON1.
An Ottawa homeschooling mother of three writes in Front Page Magazine, founded by the man who led the Swiftboating of John Kerry in 2004,
As equality rights have been gaining ground, religious freedom has been on the retreat. Many lawyers now argue that even a private religious school like TWU must not be allowed to “discriminate” in its hiring practices by choosing teachers who abide by its moral tenets or by expecting students to conform their behavior to the beliefs that the school espouses.
Ablow says this is the "thought police," and Arthur Aidala, a Fox News regular says it's a "test of faith." It's very upsetting this is happening in Canada and don't for a second think this can't happen here in the U.S. The proof is in that damned Obamacare, which is forcing the hands of religious institutions to pay for things that are clearly against their religious beliefs.
Jeeeze Ablow, haven't you been paying attention at all? What about the decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores? That went entirely in favor of an establishment of a state religion. You have all lost your minds at Faux. But we knew that already.