Luke Russert Demonstrates Why Meet The Press Will Still Suck

Here is the type of "hard hitting" political commentary we will be able to look forward to from Meet the Press now that useless hack Luke Russert has been invited to the table.

If anyone wasn't already sure about just why and how badly Meet the Press was going to continue to go down the toilet even after the departure of former host David Gregory, look no further than the "hard hitting" analysis the MSNBC viewers were treated to this Wednesday by Luke Russert, who we've been promised is going to be a regular on the show.

Here's now Russert treated the partisan witch hunt BENGHAZI!!! hearings that kicked off this week on Jose Diaz-Balart's show this Wednesday.

RUSSERT: But this issue has been politically very radioactive for some time. There's folks on the right that say this is a cover up, that the Obama administration moved forward to the degree of Watergate and Richard Nixon. Folks on the left say this is nothing more than the GOP just trying to pad their numbers ahead of the midterms and throw red meat to their base.

It seems letting the viewers know that the "opinion" of those on the right is based on a bunch of made up, unsubstantiated bullshit is something too time consuming for a crack "reporter" like Russert to worry his little head about.

I'm sure we'll be treated to just as "insightful" commentary during his upcoming Meet the Press panel segments. I can hardly wait.


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