Marco Rubio Calls For Permanent U.S. Troop Presence In Middle East
Someone's trying to ingratiate himself with Republican presidential primary voters.
This might help Sen. Marco "Big Gulp" Rubio with Republican primary voters, but good luck appealing to the general public with rhetoric like this. Americans are war weary already and tired of always being told we've got enough money to go lob bombs somewhere in the Middle East, while simultaneously being told we're supposedly too broke to take care of Americans at home and that we can't afford to pay for our social safety nets.
Rubio doesn't only want us interjecting ourselves into another country's civil war as we're already doing now, he wants to triple down. Combat troops and we're going to be there forever.
From Fox's blog: Rubio ‘Absolutely’ Wants Permanent U.S. Troop Presence in Middle East:
If Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) ever became president, would he advocate for a permanent U.S. troop presence in the Middle East?
“Absolutely,” he told Neil Cavuto this afternoon on “Your World.” Rubio explained that the bin Laden mission would have been impossible without a U.S. troop mission in Afghanistan. He also said that having U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq could have prevented the advance of ISIS.
Rubio also called for boots on the ground, saying that ISIS can be degraded through airstrikes, but cannot be defeated through strikes alone.