Rafael Cruz: 'The Average Black' Does Not Know The Minimum Wage Is Bad

Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz doing his best to help Republicans with that so-called minority outreach program of theirs.

If Republicans would actually like to reach out to minority and African American voters, they might want to tell the the likes of Rafael Cruz and his ilk to just stop talking, or at least anywhere where there's a camera nearby.

Here's the Rev. Rafael Cruz, wingnut and father of Sen. Ted Cruz, at the Western Williamson Republican Club August meeting, which was pitched this way:

Come listen to Rev. Cruz speak passionately on what can be done to return our nation to the principles that made America exceptional.

Ted Cruz’s Dad: “The Average Black Does Not” Understand The Minimum Wage Is Bad :

The father of Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said black people “need to be educated” about Democrats, so that they will vote Republican. Cruz, who made the comments at the Western Williamson Republican Club August meeting, added “the average black does not” understand that the minimum wage is bad. [...]

“I said, as a matter of fact, ‘Did you know that Civil Rights legislation was passed by Republicans? It was passed by a Republican Senate under the threat of a filibuster by the Democrats,’” Cruz said. “‘Oh, I didn’t know that.’ And then I said, ‘Did you know that every member of the Ku Klux Klan were Democrats from the South?’ ‘Oh I didn’t know that.’ You know, they need to be educated.”

Cruz cited a book Please Stop Helping Us by Jason Riley, a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board.

“I am going to try to encourage everybody I can to buy a book written by a black journalist. His name is Jason Riley. He wrote a book called Please Stop Helping Us, talking about how all the handouts to blacks have kept blacks in the poorhouse. And I’ll tell you what, I am going to make it my task to buy 15 to 20 copies of that book and hand it out to some black leaders to read.”

“Jason Riley said in an interview, Did you know before we had minimum wage laws black unemployment and white unemployment were the same? If we increase the minimum wage, black unemployment will skyrocket. See, he understands it, but the average black does not.”


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