Bill Maher Tears Into Chuck Todd For Aiding And Abetting Sam Brownback

Bill Maher reminded his viewers what Kansas should really be worried about if they reelect Sam Brownback and it's a lot more serious than someone getting a lap dance 16 years ago.

During his New Rules segment this Friday night, Real Time's Bill Maher took a shot at the "easily distracted" voters of Kansas, who may actually reelect their Governor Sam Brownback for another undeserved term after he wrecked the economy of their state, but the better part of his ire was reserved for the likes of Chuck Todd and Meet the Press, who allowed Grover Norquist to come on last month and attack Brownback's opponent, Paul Davis, for going to a strip club sixteen years ago.

MAHER: I like Kansas. I go there. This is not just about Kansas. This is a national disease, an unholy alliance of easily distracted voters and a shameful pandering media which used to have the integrity to filter out shit like this. But today what happens is this story ran in the local press.

Within hours Politico picked it up, and a day later Meet the Press, yes, Meet the Press further dignified the story by allowing Grover Norquist to talk about it, to say about Paul Davis that he is "not the kind of person you could ask your sister to vote for."

Hey sis I... never mind. Which led to the director of the Kansas Republicans saying about Davis, "the question becomes, is he fit to govern?" Fit to govern? Because a lady touched his pants with her ass two years before the invention of the iPod? What?

After showing another one of the attack ads airing in the state, Maher continued.

MAHER: What? What would the future hold? He's going to take the entire Kansas budget and go down to the strip club and make it rain? [...]

So let me get this straight Kansas. Losing a billion dollars in revenue and having your credit rating downgraded, that you can afford. Sam Brownback, who is to governing what Kanye West is to humility, he's tolerable, but the lap dance guy, that's a bridge too far.

Okay, one last question in Kansas. You do understand right that Paul Davis never touched the stripper. but Sam Brownback fucked your entire state?


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