Bill O'Reilly Goes Off The Rails On Ebola And ISIS In Another Fearmongering Rant

Bill O'Reilly does his best to help Republicans with more fearmongering over Ebola and ISIS in yet another over the top rant this Monday night.

The right wing needs to keep their base worked up into a frenzy and in a constant state of panic leading up to the midterm elections to be sure they're animated and afraid enough to come out and vote against the evil Democrats who supposedly don't care if you're killed by the Ebola virus, or by the ISIS terrorists they claim are crossing our southern border.

Bill O'Reilly did his best to help them along during his Talking Points Memo this Monday night, and demanded that the CDC Director Tom Frieden step down. Bill-O accused him of lying to the public about the Ebola virus, continued to demand that we ban all flights from West Africa, even though we know that won't stop everyone infected with the disease from making it into the United States. He also used the occasion where he's pretending that we can't trust the government to tell us the truth about anything to attack President Obama for his handling of ISIS as well.

This is what we get to look forward to from all of the pundits on Faux "news" until the midterms are over at the soonest, or when Republicans get control of the government again at the latest. Expect the screeching from the likes of O'Reilly and his ilk to get particularly loud over the next few weeks.

Here's a partial transcript of this Monday's ravings from Fox's blog:

Bill O’Reilly tonight called for the resignation of CDC Director Tom Frieden, who he said is not being forthcoming about the threat of Ebola.

“The Factor” host said it’s “very worrisome” that Nina Pham, a 26-year-old nurse who treated Thomas Eric Duncan, has been diagnosed with Ebola even though she was wearing protective gear.

O’Reilly reiterated that “there is no compelling reason why West Africans should be admitted to the USA” amid this epidemic, calling it a national security issue. He said that a new NBC News poll found that 58 percent also believe there should be a ban on flights from West African countries into the U.S.

O’Reilly’s team has asked Frieden a number of times to appear on “The Factor,” but O’Reilly said he won’t because he’s afraid.

“He knows that I know he’s not being candid, that he is spinning the situation and not being forthcoming about how the disease is being spread. Frieden should resign.”

O’Reilly said that it is “stupid and irresponsible” to believe that civilian airport employees can spot Ebola that is dormant.

“It's a dumb and dangerous ruse, and Freiden is the chief propagandist,” he said.

O’Reilly said he’s just asking for common sense, which the Obama administration is rejecting. “But I will predict tonight, they will soon reverse course,” he said.

“The Factor” host also touched on reports that U.S. bombing is not stopping the advance of ISIS.

“All of us who see things clearly knew that was going to be the case. I believe President Obama also knew that was going to be the case, but would not tell the American people,” O’Reilly said.

According to O’Reilly, Obama has created the myth that somehow, a 60-nation coalition – that is basically doing nothing – will defeat ISIS.

“The BS has to stop,” he said.


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