Bill O'Reilly Tells Howard Kurtz He Doesn't Have Any Obama-Bashers On 'The Factor'
Bill O'Reilly with a bit of revisionist history on Howard Kurtz's show this Sunday.
Bill-O apparently does not hear his own voice and has a bad case of selective amnesia if he really believes that The O'Reilly Factor never includes any "Obama-bashers." Take a long look in the mirror Bill if you'd like to get a good look at one.
O'Reilly spent his two segments on Kurtz's Media Buzz pretending Fox "news" is "fair and balanced" as opposed to that "liberal cable channel" MSNBC, and did his best to propagate the "liberal media myth" which pretends that our corporate media is in the tank for President Obama and always picking on poor downtrodden conservatives... except for Fox.
O'Reilly also used the occasion to get a few shots in on The Daily Show's Jon Stewart, who, for some unknown reason, is going to allow O'Reilly back on his show this coming week.
From Fox's blog: 'Media Buzz': O'Reilly on President Obama, Jon Stewart and His New Book:
Bill O'Reilly joined Howard Kurtz on Media Buzz today to discuss everything from the media's coverage of President Obama to his interactions with The Daily Show's Jon Stewart to his hit new book, "Killing Patton," which is available now.
"The Factor" host said it was a good thing that the media is finally more aggressively covering Obama and his administration, and the American people are actually getting the news reported after six years, but he doesn't feel like the press' "heart is in it."
"The press is not in business anymore to give the folks information. That's not what they do," O'Reilly said. "They are in business to promote a certain agenda. That's really harming the nation."
He noted to Kurtz that guests who have all positive or all negative things to say about the president are "boring" and won't be seen on "The Factor."
"Bring some facts, give me a perspective, give me something different," O'Reilly said.
One of those different perspectives that O'Reilly invites on his show is that of Jon Stewart, who "The Factor" host said is a very, very smart man, although his audience is largely comprised of "stoned slackers."