Fox News Disparages Critical Thinkers From Harvard For Thinking Critically

Fox pundits use Harvard students' remarks to rehash Obama 'Apology Tour' attacks. It's those damned liberal professors indoctrinating our kids to think critically

Eric Bolling is just appalled! Someone stumbled upon the Cambridge, Massachusetts Ivy League campus and asked a few students, who is the biggest opponent to world peace. These pundits claim they said the U.S. is a bigger threat to world peace than ISIS, even though none of the clips of interviews with them showed any of them saying that. "These students get an "F" for you've got to be freaking kidding me? Who's teaching these kids this nonsense?" In other words, how dare these Harvard elitist students blame the United States for creating a powder keg in the Middle East! They should be demonizing only ISIL and all those brown people who just happened to be living in the wrong country at the wrong time.

Libertarian bimbo, Michelle Fields justifies dismissing these misguided liberal youth because

"they've been indoctrinated, they're really just regurgitating what their professors have told them. But you know what? When something happens in the world, the world doesn't turn to North Korea or Iran or ISIS for help. They turn to America because we are a force for good, and if there's any possibility for world peace it's going to be because of America and it's a shame they don't know that."

Bolling asks Juan Williams how could these students, who are supposed to be America's brightest minds, be so apologetic for America? And I'm shocked! Thank goodness Williams put his smirking ass in its place by asking,

"Why are you shocked? They're critical thinkers, they're some of the smartest students in the country."

So Fields and Bolling laughed purposely loud at the idea of smart people going to Harvard!

Williams reminds the anti-intellectual pundits that we should encourage thinking, which requires analysis and comparative logic to determine cause and effect. Thankfully, these students don't blindly accept facts as dictated by the Faux News talking-heads. Juan Williams smacks their idiotic babble down with his reply:

"You guys are thinking short term, ISIS is a threat at the moment, they are a threat to world peace. People have a lot of criticism about the United States... don't tell those kids not to be critical thinkers and look at the big picture, like who helped put these guys in power."

Bolling, now clearly shaken says, "The question was which group is a bigger threat to world peace: America or ISIS? How in the world do you call America a threat to world peace.?" (Gee, maybe the fact we've been at war in every single decade since the 1930's would be a good place to start to answer that question fairly). Williams responded, "how can you compare the size of ISIS to a world superpower like the United States? "
But instead, we toss over to Jonathan Hoenig who said, "No wonder Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard." Then he babbled about this being the ravages of multiculturalism and sarcastically said

yeah, we're just like Islamic Butchers, European Socialists, Communist China...

Fields shouts,

They don't believe in American Exceptionalism. We should be PROUD. No one should ever apologize for America.

But the final objective of this pointless conversation, where the intellectual is mocked and disregarded, is to find the real culprits, the bad guys. It is none other than who is teaching them. 90% of all professors (who usually possess a Masters Degree or PhD) lean liberal. Since the people who are educated, critical-thinkers, believe in a more pro-analytic, scientific and fact-based liberal way of thinking, they must be wrong. The more the Fox-Go-USA-cheer leading squad mocks and laughs at these silly Ivy Leaguers, the better they make themselves feel about the xenophobic, narrow-minded bigots they really are. It's the Fox way: put down those who threaten you in a pathetic attempt to lift yourself up.


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