Fox News Pundits Want Better Ebola Protocols Or They'll Get Louder

Dr. Marc Siegel tells the CDC/HHS department that if they don't "step up to the plate" and ramp up the Ebola screening process, they're going to be slammed by even louder Fox News pundits.

Dr. Marc Siegel, part of the Fox News Medical A Team, won't go as far as O'Reilly's insane claim that The Centers for Disease Control is keeping vital information from the public; and Chief MD, Thomas Frieden is a deceptive propagandist. Dr. Marc Seigel does demand that the CDC use stronger language and stand up and say "the buck stops here."

The Dallas Hospital was unsupervised by the CDC, even though the states are in charge, but Siegel "doesn't like that." In other words, the Health and Human Services Department should have known a case was going to show up at a Dallas hospital and intervened before the hospital even knew it had screwed up. If this continues, Siegel cautioned that Bill O'Reilly will get even louder on the subject.

Bill Hemmer has plenty of his own criticism blaming the CDC for mistakes made in Texas. He said the latest Ebola case detected in a nurse who treated the now deceased Ebola patient,

shows how little prepared hospitals might be after the CDC, just last week, had said every hospital in America could manage this.

Training, preparation and knowledge are key with an illness that now has a higher than expected 70% mortality rate. The nurse wouldn't have contracted the virus if the hospital was taken over by the CDC, a national agency that didn't have jurisdiction, as states and jurisdictions are sovereign entities.

Rush Limbaugh accuses none other than President Obama for this crisis.

The CDC actually had their budget triple from 2001 to 2010 and what did they do with the money? So now the Drive-Bys and the rest of the Democrat Party are blaming Ebola on the cuts that took place in the sequester. The Democrats are even running a campaign ad that I mentioned called "Republican Cuts Kill."

Rush erroneously places the blame for the sequester solely upon President Obama's shoulders. I bet some of that $24 billion tab racked up by Ted Cruz's shutdown could have helped the CDC with this.

Apparently the disease is "easier to get than we thought," even though this nurse was in direct contact with a contagious patient and contracted the disease in a way that is consistent with medical knowledge. Dr. Marc wants to instill fear about the possible transmission of the Ebola virus from animals to humans.

Medical experts said there are very few diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. It will take more time to study the virus to get those answers The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there have been no reports of pet dogs or cats becoming sick with Ebola or passing the disease on to other animals or people in the U.S.

How about placing the blame on the obvious funding cuts to the HHS and CDC? The Sequester was very instrumental in cutting funding to research and development, which caused the current shortage of vaccines or drugs to treat the deadly virus. The nurse might not have been in that risky position had the state of Texas accepted more funds from the Federal Government from the Medicaid Expansion. The for-profit healthcare model with the obvious discrimination of patients without insurance is, not surprisingly, absent from the discussion on Fox News.

Texas Presbyterian's on-call psychics should have known the hospital was going to screw up by tragically sending an infected Ebola patient home. Fox News wants the CDC to simply go back in time and fix this. In the mean time, the public should be worried about animal to human transmissions, which are unproven.

Voters MUST be utterly frightened as there's no better distraction than hysteria. If no one thinks back to who always votes to cut public health services, they will still vote Republican because... freedom.


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