Help Hold Chuck Todd To The Same Standard For All Interviews

Chuck Todd said that Alison Lundergan Grimes disqualified herself for the U.S. Senate because she didn't reveal her confidential 2012 election choice. He must ask every candidate this same question henceforth.

Chuck Todd has had some trouble being considered a serious journalist, especially as an unbiased and equal-opportunity host of a major news program. Meet the Press has had a tough time garnering good ratings since it seems to have become an arm of the Republican Party. If It's Sunday, It's Meet the Right-Wing, Male, Republican, or so it seems.

While covering the hotly contested Kentucky Senatorial race, Chuck couldn't help but harp on the one moment in the McConnell/Grimes debate where she floundered. She refused, as is her prerogative, to divulge her personal choice in the 2012 Presidential election. After all, Kentucky, (who has benefitted greatly from the Affordable Care Act) is a very Red state and it is a detriment to any Democrat to ally themselves with President Obama. Chuck Todd deemed this a "disqualifier" and essentially cut an ad for Mitch McConnell against the Democrat in the race.

Bill Maher, on HBO's Real Time brought up the integrity of the media and how it succumbs to trivial "news" and ignores important issues. Maher brought up the story of a Democrat in Kansas who was discredited because, as a single man, he visited a strip club. Heavens no! This was picked up by Republicans wishing to create a scandal in order to get Sam Brownback elected, who has turned out to be the worst governor, probably ever, in any state. Maher annihilated Chuck Todd's seduction by the right wing spin machine and threw away all journalistic integrity. Once again, Todd seems to always lean right, which is not quite like the Lean Forward motto of MSNBC.

Please click here and sign this CREDO Mobile petition that pleads with the corporate media allowing Chuck Todd to continue with his GOP-leaning style of "journalism."

Let's hold him accountable by demanding he ask the same question he highlighted in his inadvertent endorsement for the GOP, to every candidate/politician. Who did YOU vote for must be a staple in every interview conducted by Chuck Todd. Both sides do it, right, Chuck?

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