Hey, Godless, Queer-Loving, Sinful America: You'd Better Duck!

Here comes the Wrath of God again!

Hey, Godless, Queer-Loving, Sinful America: You'd Better Duck!

Wingnuts don't seem to understand that they're the ones inflicting pain on America, not God! Via Right Wing Watch:

Matt Barber and Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel continue to fume about the Supreme Court's recent decision to allow several lower-court marriage equality rulings to stand and have dedicated several recent episodes of their "Faith and Freedom" radio program to ranting about it, with Barber at one point warning that America will soon face divine wrath.

On an episode set to run on Tuesday, Barber warns that "homosexual conduct is demonstrably and explicitly, throughout the Old and New Testament, called sin. And when you have a sin-centered redefinition of marriage and the government puts its official stamp on sin, you have the government blessing sin, well, sin cannot be blessed, it cannot be sanctified."

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