Howard Dean Smacks Down Bill Kristol And Joe Scarborough

American Crossroads airs what could be considered the most dishonest ad in history. Howard Dean is the only voice of sanity in this non-story, proffered by Scarborough's right wing lunacy.

There's a formula for the "success" of Morning Joe. First you play a preposterous ad by the Republican Lie Machine, then you discuss it as if it has any validity. Simply because both sides have their own perspective, it doesn't mean the grifter should command equal, if not more time. The American Crossroads ad blatantly accused the president of shirking his responsibilities as Commander in Chief by missing 58% of Daily Briefings and of course, had to exaggerate the time he spends on the golf course, which is far less than Republican presidents.

Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard

Is it ok if the president reads his Daily Briefings instead of getting them face to face?

Joe posed the question first to Kristol, who was the chief of staff for the cerebral V.P.Dan Quayle, under President George H.W. Bush. He said that he would occasionally sit in on the classified briefings which were always face to face (He didn't mention that Dan was a poor student, with a 2.4 GPA) Kristol had to get the typical Republican dig in there by saying,

Operational stuff matters...you don't just get to give speeches as president.

It's not the least bit embarrassing that GWB was just awful at public speaking; no, President Obama's affinity for it should be ridiculed.

Governor Dean gave a blunt, "this is just silly, this is just ridiculous," reply to this whole charade. He asked if they really think the president doesn't care about ISIS? Howard Dean easily recognizes the ridiculous amount of money and the paltry amount of truth in Karl Rove's spin machine, American Crossroads. This has nothing to do with reality.

Snidely, Kristol asked,

are you happy with his relationship with the Intelligence community?

Dean replied that he was far more comfortable with Obama's grasp of the intelligence briefings than his predecessor. Different leaders process information differently.

Kristol and Scarborough pulled the latest talking point out of their asses that President Obama's foreign policy is in tatters. To make this even more unwatchable, Mika chimed in at the end,

"I like the way Howard Dean just casts you all off, as if goodness gracious, this is a waste of time."

Joe asks her if she thinks it's an important question to ask and she lovingly agreed. Mika fumbled the return and kept the show on its usual right wing slant. Unfortunately, we'll never get back that six minutes.


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