To This Oklahoma GOPer, Muslims Are A Lot Like The Nazis

Stupid, misguided, or shameless shill? You decide!

To This Oklahoma GOPer, Muslims Are A Lot Like The Nazis

The Republican party does what it can to keep bigotry and paranoia alive, considering this is an election year and all. Via Mediaite:

A local Oklahoma Republican representative said recently that while not all Muslims are bad people, any Muslim that subscribes to the actual practices of Islam should not be trusted. State Rep. John Bennett even went so far as to draw comparisons to Germans who were complicit in what the Nazis did.

Oklahoma, of course, got national attention after a Muslim man there beheaded a co-worker. Bennett argued, “Mohammed’s teaching only teaches one thing. And that’s the violence that we’re seeing today in ISIS and in the beheading in Moore and other places.”

I guess this guy's never read Leviticus.

He made a comparison to the Nazis and basically said that any Muslim who practices the Muslim faith cannot be trusted:

“You think every German was a Nazi? No, they weren’t. But what happened with the Nazis was that once they got in power, all those Germans that sat quiet or were scared to say anything had no choice but to follow and support what they were doing. “So is every Muslim bad? No. but if they subscribe to Islam and what it teaches, and if they’re not standing up and condemning what Islam teaches, then they’re just going right along with them, just like the Germans did when the Nazis were around.”

Bennett refuses to apologize, and says he’s tired of being politically correct about Muslims:

State Rep. John Bennett (R-Sallisaw) refused to apologize for a private Facebook post that called on Christians to “be especially wary” of people who call themselves Muslim-Americans because the Koran “clearly states that non-Muslims should be killed.”

The politician then linked to an article about the violent actions of Islamic State militants, NewsOK reports.

“For us to sit back and listen to their lies and deflection and let them continue on their claims that this is all racist and I’m an ‘Islamaphobe,’ it’s just absolutely ridiculous,” he told KFOR.

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