Pat Robertson Tells Viewer 'The Towels Could Have AIDS' In Kenya

Televangelist Pat Robertson had some bad advice for one of his viewers this Thursday on The 700 Club.

It seems wingnut televangelist Pat Robertson hasn't bothered to do a bit of research before giving one of his listeners some really bad and scientifically false information.

Pat Robertson: You Can Get AIDS From A Towel:

Today on “The 700 Club,” an anonymous viewer asked televangelist Pat Robertson if he should reconsider his plans to go on a mission in Kenya due to the Ebola outbreak. While Kenya is in East Africa, the Ebola outbreak has been concentrated in in West Africa.

Robertson, who once raised the specter of gay people attacking heterosexuals with secret AIDS rings, incorrectly warned the aspiring missionary that he could put himself at risk of contracting AIDS…from a towel.

“Not in Kenya. You might get AIDS in Kenya, the people have AIDS, you got to be careful, the towels can have AIDS,” he said.


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