Peggy Noonan Calls Leon Panetta's New Book 'Obnoxiously Partisan'

Peggy Noonan doubles down on her criticism of Leon Panetta's new book.

Peggy Noonan, who writes for that great bastion of non-partisanship, The Wall Street Journal, doubled down on her assertion that Leon Panetta's new book was too mean to Republicans like Newt Gingrich, David Petraeus and her hero St. Ronnie -- calling it "obnoxiously partisan" when Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer asked her what she thought of the book and his interview earlier on the same show.

SCHIEFFER: Peggy, you said you found Sec. Panetta's book obnoxious.

NOONAN: Yes I did.

SCHIEFFER: What did you think of his performance today?

NOONAN: Non-obnoxious. Actually, I thought it was... he said something important that gathered together some thoughts in his book. And he said words that I think are going to prove to be memorable. “A president needs the heart of a warrior.” A president needs someone to feel passion and execute plans in a very personal and on the job and focused way.

So I think he made that point rather strikingly. He also made his points about ISIS and the possible need for boots on the ground over there.

I found the book itself to be obnoxiously partisan and frankly ultimately unhelpful in that way. I always want the older and more accomplished and impressive members of our government when they come forward and rightly share their thoughts in books and memoirs, I always want them to be a little above the battle and appreciative of those they've had arguments with.

So I don't feel I saw enough of that, but I thought he was impressive today.

Yes, because we all know that's exactly how Republicans act when they leave office. Maybe she could ask a certain former Vice President and his flame throwing daughter what they think about that assertion.


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