Police Release Audio From Palin Family Drunken Brawl

The Anchorage Police Department has released new audio of the aftermath of the Palin family drunken brawl from earlier this month.

The Wasilla Hillbillies are the gift that keeps on giving. We have newly audio released from the aftermath of their drunken brawl earlier this month up in Anchorage Alaska. Warning, they're not safe for work.


Bristol Palin hysterically told cops during the epic drunken Palin family brawl in Alaska last month ... that some guy knocked her down and called her a f**king c**t.

Bristol's conversation with cops outside the party near Anchorage was recorded by the officer and TMZ obtained a copy. During the convo ... Bristol explains the fight was triggered by an "old lady" who shoved her younger sister, Willow.

Listen carefully ... you can hear Sarah Palin in the background telling Bristol not to cuss during her statement.

TPM has much more and they have been kind enough to transcribe some of the highlights, or should I say, lowlights from the police recordings: The Palin Brawl Police Tapes - Annotated Edition:

Amid the crackle and chaos of audio released by the Anchorage Police Department on Tuesday, an unmistakable voice could be heard.

"Did you find your necklace?" the woman could be heard saying. "Track, that is such a God thing. See?"

The voice almost certainly belonged to former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. The audio was released as part of hours of recordings made by Anchorage cops in the aftermath of an alcohol-fueled brawl at a house party in the city in September.

The recordings were released along with photos from the scene, and they documented the surreal situation police were faced with when they rolled up to the party. People were scattering and the Palin family was hovering around a stretch Hummer limousine they had brought with them that night.

Previously, eyewitnesses had largely blamed the Palins for the brawls, and police documented their findings in reports. But ultimately, prosecutors decided to bring no charges.

The audio that has now been released offered a glimpse of the scene. Palin's adult children, Track and Bristol, could be heard telling their stories to the investigators. Meanwhile Sarah Palin spent time reminding her children throughout it all of one of the important things in life: not to cuss.

Go check out the rest of the post for the additional recordings and transcripts.

As they noted in the TPM post, there are some newly released pictures as well.

I'm guessing those are Sarah's red, white and blue platform tennis shoes on the left.

And guess who this is in the classy camo wrap?

They've got more photos posted as well.


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