Right Wing Media Want The President To Condemn Islamic Faith
Both Bill O'Reilly and the Washington Free Beacon want world leaders to condemn the entire Muslim faith, never mind how many peaceful Muslims there are.
The denouncement of an entire faith, Islam, is a pretty tough subject that got liberals talking after Bill Maher and Sam Harris heatedly debated Ben Affleck on Friday's Real Time. It was a debate even Conservatives could enjoy, as there's nothing more American than denouncing those evil Muslims. They enjoy seeing liberals fight just as much as we enjoy seeing the crazy Tea Partiers infighting with other Republicans.
The Washington Free Beacon printed an editorial entitled Surrender in the War of Ideas. It was a commentary on how President Obama is just so reluctant to condemn Islam, which is really the cause of all the world's evils.
At the United Nations on Sept. 24, the president asked the world body to come up with a plan over the next year designed to counter ISIL and al Qaeda’s ideology. He said ending religious wars through an ideological campaign in the Middle East will be “generational” and led by those who live in the region...The administration’s so-called soft power approach to countering Islamist terrorism also appeared to have difficulty with clearly defining the religious doctrine behind the ideology of the resurgent al Qaeda offshoot now rampaging its way across Iraq and Syria...Obama stated in a speech on Sept. 10 that ISIL is “not Islamic” despite the group’s use of a fundamental Islamic precept of jihad, or holy war, in expanding its reach and imposing anti-democratic, hardline Islamic sharia law in areas it now controls.
What people must keep in perspective is a comedian or an atheist neurosurgeon can make comments denouncing a faith for its violent tenets like "convert or die," much more easily than a president who has roughly 3,000,000 Muslim-Americans in his jurisdiction.
Bill O'Reilly said,
"Millions of Muslims believe their religion should dictate what happens in a society."
The irony of what he said went completely over his head when he has said it was quite clear that the founders (of the American Independence movement) based the justice system in the New World on Judeo-Christian tenets." Every one in America must therefore live under Christian rule without protest while no one should ever live under Shar'ia law.
Atheists largely agree with Bill O and Bill Maher, Islam has tenets that are extreme even for mainstream adherents of the faith. But you cannot, as the leader of the Free World, condemn an entire religion based on the murderous actions of tens of thousands of ISIL Jihadists.