Romney Forgets He Lost The Election, Steals Insult From Fox News
The always hip Morning Joe hosts his show from Ohio State and continues his bromance with Willard RMoney.
It's hard to catch Morning Joe on the West Coast, as it is on from 3am to 6am. Early this morning, I turned on the TV, half asleep to try to fall back into dream land. But then I heard Mika Brzezinski begin a segment with "Mitt Romney's name has been tossed around with nostalgia by Republicans as a potential candidate to run in 2016."
Once again, the "MSM" or the liberal media is forgetting that Willard got his ass handed to him in 2012 and then sulked for several months alongside Ann, his jilted First Lady-wannabe wife.
Kind of like a gruesome accident, I felt I had to listen to this Joe/Willard "worship session." Based on his lower popularity, Chuck Krauthammer named President Obama the "Spectator-In-Chief," so Willard had to base his cavalcade of lies and "scandals" on that unoriginal moniker. Here we go again: IRS scandal, equating the Ebola "epidemic" with Superstorm Sandy, the VA, or the implementation of Obamacare (which has gotten 10 million uninsured Americans covered). He's not been enough of a leader.
Of course, this Monday Morning Quarterback always has harsh criticisms for the man who defeated him soundly.
Romney and Scarborough decide the CDC and President Obama have not shown the right leadership because Romney says, "the protocols are changing every day." The hedge fund manager and tax evader is now an epidemiologist who knows how simple it is to treat a communicable and deadly disease. He speaks of compensation for health care workers who volunteer to go to West Africa to help the people afflicted, which is unlikely based on his treatment of those 47% peasants. He is very much against fair compensation for workers, saying that the proposed Democratic increase in the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.00 per hour, in March, 2012 was probably not necessary.
Romney also wasn't much for paying his housekeepers as none earned a living wage from the Romney family.
Joe asks Willard, "Do world leaders respect America as much as they did six years ago?" I guess he means after Bush/Cheney have embarrassed the United States for eight straight years? I think I'll leave it there, as nothing but Obama-bashing took place after Joe asked about our world standing. No real facts were used to back up their opinions, so I guess it was a typical Republican conversation.
Mika couldn't bear to remind the two men that they are both irrelevant and this conversation was pointless. How about you divulge those tax returns, Mittens? Maybe Chuck Todd can decide to disqualify candidates based on their refusal to present their tax history? Haha, just kidding.