Anonymous Says They've Linked Darren Wilson To KKK 'Ghoul Squad'

Anonymous has been involved in the Ferguson incident from the very beginning.

The KKK's Ghoul Squad is a kind of auxiliary group for Klan supporters who have jobs that would be at risk if their support was known. Obviously, if Anonymous proves Darren Wilson was a member, it will be explosive. But they haven't proved it yet:

In the last week the hacktivist group has been carrying out a campaign entitled #OperationKKK after a local KKK group - the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (TAKKKK) - began distributing leaflets in Ferguson promising to use "lethal force" against any protestors.

Anonymous took control of several KKK-affiliated Twitter accounts and continue to carry out cyber attacks against websites associated with the group.

Anonymous has been involved in the Ferguson incident from the very beginning when teenager Mike Brown was shot dead by Officer Wilson on 9 August.

While it did a lot to help bring attention to the over-the-top reaction by police to protestors in the St. Louis suburb, one member of the group also erroneously published the incorrect name of the police officer involved at a time when Wilson's name had not been made public - significantly damaging the Anonymous name in a lot of people's eyes.

In it latest statement, Anonymous claims there is a strong link between the TAKKKK and the Ferguson police department, and in the last week has published evidence showing that three high-ranking members of the TAKKKK attended a support rally for Darren Wilson in Imperial, Missouri - evidence which has now been removed from social media websites.

The group claims members of the law enforcement community in the area are silent members of the TAKKKK and call themselves the 'Ghoul Squad'.

This claim is substantiated by an ex-member of the TAKKKK called Henry Harrell who told Anonymous: "I know for a fact that the TAKKKK had a lot to do with what went on in Ferguson."

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