Cashin' In Crew Attacks Juan Williams For Praising Obamacare
25% fewer Americans without health insurance is nothing to be happy about. Those poor people just used the E.R. anyway, so they don't really matter.
Juan Williams praises Obamacare as "an amazing triumph for our country." He explains the incredible accomplishment to get people out of E.R. care and into the medical system before their health is at emergency status.
"70% of the people who have affordable care say they are pleased or they consider it excellent."
Debbie Downer, Eric Bolling,dismisses these millions of newly insured Americans by saying,
Well those are the people who didn't have healthcare whatsoever, they're hitting the emergency rooms, the people who are paying for it... (insinuating that all these fine Fox pundits are the ones footing the bill)
But Wayne Rogers is far too overwhelmed by the sheer size of the Affordable Care Act, it's 2,000 pages after all. He could hardly put his frustrations into words. He firmly believes that no one on earth could ever read that many pages, ever. God knows how many other lies will come out when the rest of this is implemented. We don't know the half of it, he's certain of that.
When it comes out it's going to be much, much worse.
Eric Bolling asks the libertarian hater of tenured teachers, Michelle Fields;
Juan says we should be thankful for Obamacare. I think we should be thankful for Jonathan Gruber for exposing the lies that they used to perpetrate this big "hoax" on America.
Michelle is a seasoned talking points-regurgitater when it comes to ACA misinformation. She says,
I agree, look why should the American people feel great and be thankful for the fact that they lost their doctor, that their rates are going up, that their network is smaller now? If you look at the most popular plan, the Silver Plan, on the Obamacare exchange, people who have that plan are going to see their rates go up by 10%. in 2015 for the exact same thing. So why should Americans feel thankful for that... I think Juan has officially lost touch with reality, officially.
But this does not actually deviate from normal increases, that have always been present in dealing with private insurance companies. The growth rates had been at 10 percent and higher from 2000 to 2004.
Never fear, if this doesn't sound scary enough, 'Capitalist Pig' and distant cousin of Ben Stiller, Jonathan Hoenig, is ready to take the spotlight among the crazies.
Who would be thankful for government force used against innocent people. That's exactly what Obamacare is....(stumbles and mumbles a bit here) I love government. Government is a natural good, we need government to protect our rights. But Obamacare is using individuals as a means to an end. I'm for government, but the right kind of government, an American Government, that doesn't use people as chattel to achieve a social good.
It only took about 100 seconds to compare Obamacare to slavery and of course to reassure Fox News viewers that President Obama's government is not really 'an American Government.'
Hoenig actually said, no good can come from using force against innocent people. Fields said we shouldn't be thankful for something that was forced upon us. It's as if we are all forced to convert to Islam, as that's really the president's secret agenda.
The Cashin' In crew keeps repeating the fear-mongering lies that the ACA has done absolutely nothing good. They never mention that preexisting conditions are no longer going to stop a person from getting covered, never mind that preventative care is covered that will prevent costly ER visits. None of that means jack squat to these people who have never had a problem with their own health care, they don't give a damn about those Medicaid expansion beneficiaries.
Rogers adds,
The president doesn't understand the ACA himself, every time he opens his mouth, what he says is not true.
Juan tries to inject one more sliver of reason, but he is out-conned on this show. He says,
I think we should be thankful that gas prices are down, unemployment, down, consumer confidence is up, up, up!
Bolling dismisses him as if he's a toddler telling a tall tale.
Hoenig gets the last word. Not exactly sure from where he pulled these facts, but this is Fox News, where truth in broadcasting is villified.
You work a third of the year for government. When our country began, you only worked 20 days for government. Juan is heralding all these great things that we get (from government) and it's not worth our FREEDOM.
Way to wrap things up Hoenig. Giving poor people a chance to purchase healthcare takes away our freedom. Now it all makes sense.