Cosmic Insight: Activating The Control For Power.
Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

What would be the ultimate lesson to learn, in order to get back onto the road of happiness? What would be necessary to know, when dealing with those awkward lumps and bumps that pop up in both life and in relationships? And what might that ‘specific something’ actually be, that would finally encourage us to bring a very long and exhausting cycle to an end… or at least to its knees? Think about that for a minute. What does happiness mean to you at this very moment? And if you were to successfully achieve that particular sense of happiness, what would you pursue next? And in the last two months, what have you actually done for yourself, that let you be in control of your own happiness?
Confirm thy soul in self-control. George Washington
In the same breath, what has stopped you from attracting the sort of happiness that you are seeking? And yes of course, I’m requesting that you be realistic in your answers. I’m also suggesting that you turn inward on these questions, rather than create outside excuses and blame. What unhealthy attitude or unnecessary pattern have you allowed to assist you in your journey through life and love? What have you relied on for too long now, that has proved to not been beneficial or progressive in your own growth and wellbeing?
Through inner transformation and the vibrational guidance of the Scorpio New Moon/Solar Eclipse, we can finally begin to experience the ultimate change. And as we change what is inside of us, we can ultimately change the way we see the world. This is especially good to know as ‘push comes to shove ‘ with Monday’s Mars/Pluto conjunction. We’re looking for a way out, and some of us will embrace fear and the unknown as a way of empowerment. Others will lean toward demands and aggression, hoping to avoid the terror of the hole that was dug. Either way, the energy is challenging, competitive and stormy. But if we can break out of ourselves and learned habits, we can open up to new levels of inner growth.
Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of courage-to move in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein
Without a good strategic plan this week, decisions and direction could get a bit starry-eyed and awkwardly clumsy with Tuesday’s Mercury/Neptune trine, Wednesday’s Mars/Uranus square and Thursday’s Sun/Jupiter square. All may not be as seems, which could surprisingly boomerang back onto our path, causing egos to flare. Unexpected surprises from finicky behaviors tend to stir a strange change in the weather and our moods. Use a bit of caution by keeping an umbrella handy for safe insurance under the protective Venus/Saturn conjunction on Wednesday.
Hurt people hurt people. That’s how pain patterns get passed on, generation, after generation, after generation. Break the chain today. Meet anger with sympathy, contempt with compassion, cruelty with kindness. Greet grimaces with smiles. Forgive and forget about finding fault. Love is the weapon of the future. Yehuda Berg
With Mars and Pluto both ruling Scorpio, and transiting through ambitious Capricorn, the desperation and determination factor to get our way is at an extreme high. And if we can handle this energy in the right way, courageous steps toward regeneration and inner change will vibrate from a new frequency – which will open new doors that encourage us to evolve and soar. Starcana Tarot Insight: Trust that the movement leads into balance. World/TwoPents
And a special thank you to our veterans, soldiers and fallen heroes for their honor, dedication and sacrifice to protect our country, homes and loved ones. For more information or a professional consultation with the author, click here.