Cosmic Insight ~ Building Trust, Taurus Full Moon
Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

In the last few weeks, we’ve managed to survive the emotional highs and lows, yet finding serenity may not be as easy to find… well, at least not just yet. There are still choices to be made, like ‘what is necessary to hold onto, in order to move forward?’ and ‘what should be sacrificed and left behind’? Concealed opportunities will help to empower us with Monday’s Sun/Pluto sextile, but it will be necessary to look beyond what is simply on the surface. Otherwise, worry and anxiety could lead to irritability, sleepless nights, and overreactive actions. To understand, stray into what is dark, useless and unfamiliar. Wander into the black hole, and confront hidden blocked passages.
Many people lock a part of themselves away. It’s a bit sacred. Tori Amos
Taurus Full Moon. Intentions that were placed on the recent New Moon finally reach their peak, although the vibrations from the eclipse can continue up to three to six months. What we’ve been seeking in the last few weeks has been attracting for manifestion for Thursday’s Full Moon. Delve into this beautiful light, for this is where our truth and answers can be found. All that we can understand becomes illuminated during the Full Moon, which will also help us in the process of completion, while encouraging elimination and letting go.
With the Full Moon in the sign of indulgent Taurus, sensitivities and needs are heavily gravitated. Dreams and wishes are sown into our reality… while inner strength and endurance can be experienced. This is where the notorious stubbornness of the Taurus bull can truly reap delightful benefits and self-satisfaction.
Stop to smell the roses along the way, to embrace the beauty of the journey.
A secretive craving begins to rise, which can insist that we relax and savor the fruits of our work. But an intense hunger may also encourage us to ‘carry on’ and keep persisting ‘while the gettin is good’. Whatever you decide on, take a moment to REALLY FEEL the essence of what is actually in your possession and currently owned. Stop to smell the roses along the way, to embrace the beauty of the journey. Find appreciation for the most simplest things, that which truly matter. And let this be enough to know satisfaction, to build gratitude in our hearts.
Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace. Joan Borysenko
Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, and with Venus in Scorpio, our attraction to values, love and money will be intensified. This can also trigger the overwhelming amount of sensitive energy that has continued to vibrate from the Eclipses, and well as from other cosmic or earthly factors. Without self-control, temptations and envy can become our obsessions, and this can knock everything off balance with Saturday’s Venus/Jupiter square. Perhaps you’ve already experienced the uncontrollable urge to destroy – or self-destruct – to remove heavy emotional attachments (Saturn in Scorpio) to individuals, situations, or reoccurring patterns.
As quoted from a previous written post; ‘In order to take better control, quietly have a conversation with yourself, or your higher source, angels, or spirit guides. Concentrate on what is NEEDED, to feel safe and productive. Then create it, through INNER transformation. These are self-reflective waters right now, and they encourage us to look into the mirror. By seeing and studying our own image, we can have a better chance of knowing who we’ve become – by asking ourselves some very realistic questions. Rather than make excuses to blame others, dare to see yourself as your own worst enemy – by having a conversation with your own demons. Basically because it’s time that we own our shite (Saturn in Scorpio), and finally be accountable for our own unhealthy attachments, mismanaged emotions and uncontrollable obsessions. So if any of us are looking for something (or someone) to release, terminate, or destroy (Pluto in Capricorn) – so that new growth may be generated) – let each of us first begin with ourselves’.
Meditate on this Taurus Full Moon to beautify your garden into something healthier and productive, through selective weeding. Otherwise, what doesn’t belong there, will continue to grow and take over. Build something of better quality for your personal development, your relationships, your work and career – by being a little more selective in your purge with Pluto Direct, but also with Mercury re-entering Scorpio on Saturday. Go beyond what you know, by going deeper into your heart and the root of matter. For more information or a professional consultation with the author, click here.