Cosmic Insight ~ Splash Color Into Your Life
Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

‘Today is the first day of the rest of your life’. I remember when I first heard this message way back in my younger years. I also remember how I kept repeating it, as if it were my own persona mantra. It was the most COOLEST twist on sayings that I had ever heard. And of course, as a young Sagittarius, I fell in love with the way this particular phrase spoke to me; while whispering something magical to my artistic muse, my young wildheart and my inner gypsy.
It’s interesting to reminisce about this now, because I remember how this one simple statement opened a lot of curiosity and intrigue for me. I felt encouraged in a mystical sort of way, to wander and seek life’s opportunities through many doors and outlets. Yes, I felt imagination was the greatst escape into the deep, dark, hidden and unknown.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
So imagine the possibilities if you will, with today being the first day of the rest of your life. Visualize the blank canvas, where you’d paint your life story. What is your story, and how would you tell it – without words? What symbolic images, suggestive colors and eloquent mediums would you experiment with, in order to express who you once were, and who you’ve become?
And as you finish up your artistic life canvas – add a piece of your vision into your artwork. Perhaps a splash of professional aspirations, a brushstroke of romantic fantasy, some ink for a personal desire, and a dream framed for your hopeful tomorrow. Whatever speaks to you – is what you’d experiement, to share your own individual story. And through your play, a new form of potential would unfold, right before your eyes.
This inspiration project is ideal to use with Saturday’s Sagittarius New Moon. Let’s stimulate our creative force and conjure up a new chapter – as a reflection of the rest of our life. Embrace fun, imagination, and make the future yours. And if the skies are clear – celebrate your efforts with the Leonid Meteors!
Neptune Direct. Imagination is a magical process, and if we’re paying attention it will lead us toward our inner potentials, natural talents, and our artistic, creative powers. What we begin to abandon to create flow in our lives is ‘heavenly stimulated’ as Neptune stations direct on Sunday November 16, after five months in retrograde. Neptune rules imagination, sensitivity, intuition, abstract, the divine, dreams, music, creativity, poems, escapism, the unconscious, sleep, romance, sacrifice, the gift of touch, spirituality, surrender, the sacred and holy, the mysterious and unseen, forgiveness and acceptance. If we can connect and embrace what we’re naturally tuning-in to, we’ll receive more insight and guidance – to get us to where we’re going.
When you want to be a solution, enter a situation with the flexibility of liquid. Guru Singh
If we become distracted or irresponsible, we can easily fall prey to Neptune’s shadow, which is associated with illusions, delusions, brain fog, drugs, confusion, booze, abandonment, sex and food addictions, misfits, rejection, temptations, lies, self-deceit, neglect, lost and sufferings.
The watery element of psychedelic Neptune supports our fluid-like movements that allow us to be more flexible, so that we can be more like water. The lesson is to surrender and let go, to understand and accept. It’s the ultimate path that frees us from ourselves, and our own wounds. The healing water energy cleanses us from guilt, washes away our sins, and rinses away unhealthy emotions that FEEL uncomfortable.
Rather than continue to divide life by what is simply ‘black or white’, we’ll begin to catch a soft glimpse of the fine lines that would normally be overlooked. And as we keep reaching into those gray areas – we’ll fall under Neptune’s spell of enchantment – where limitations are magically blurred and disolved, to keep us loving and connected with one another.
To love is to recognize yourself in another. Eckhart Tolle
Sun, Venus, New Moon in Sagittarius. On Sunday November 16, Venus moved from intense Scorpio and the need for control… by galloping into freedom-seeking Sagittarius. In the next few weeks ahead, we’ll have a strong yearning to separate and break free from what has been dominating our growth. With Venus in Sagittarius, we just want to have fun, be happy and experience ‘the more, the merrier’. And because we’re craving all this cheer, optimism and laughter, we could find ourselves slowly straying from our commitments and responsibilities – for the outdoors and party life.
Sun enters Sagittarius on Saturday November 22, so we’ll be striving for more adventure and gratitde in life. A few of us are bound to stray away from home – into the far distance – to taste what life has to offer. Yes, this can cause us to be careless with our values, as well as recklessness with our relationships and money situation – but Venus in Sagittarius will worry about that when the time comes. Right now, it’s all about dressing up, dancing all night, while getting wild and crazy.
Hear no evil, speak no evil – and you’ll never be invited to a party. Oscar Wilde
As we get ready to go on this splurging spree for excitement, enjoyment, education and experience in the weeks ahead, we can utilize this current energy to create our wishes, dreams and New Moon intentions on Saturday, November 22. This is a brand new emotional cycle that can help us to approach life and our relationships from a genuinely fresh place within. The only limit will be our imagination, and Neptune will have our back on that note, with oceans and oceans of possibilities.
We can greatly benefit from placing our seeds of intentions in areas that are related to Sagittarius, such as in travel, teaching, nature, the outdoors, sports, gambling, education, philosophy, spirituality, experiencing new people, learning new languages, trying new foods, religion, expanding on new territories, sales, promotion, understanding. Sagittarius also rules the liver, hips and thighs, and these areas may be calling for our attention as we begin to feel more active and alive. In this Sagittarian season, try to aim higher to find more meaning and a higher purpose to what you are already involved in. Tarot Insight: A difficult path demands self-reliance. Magician/TenWandsrx For information about the author, or a personalized consult, click here.