Dr. Ben Carson Projects Tea Party Racism On Charlie Rangel

Dr. Ben Carson plays the Saul Alinsky card on Charlie Rangel to take the heat off the real racists, the Tea Party.

Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals is the exclusive inspiration behind the Democratic party's platform, according to Dr. Ben Carson. He implies that the Democratic party harbors so much hate for white people, they are blinded by it. Carson attacks Rep. Charlie Rangel’s labeling of tea partyers as “crackers.” The Washington Times is happy to report that Dr. Carson is defending the 'unfairly persecuted-Tea Party' against a racist attack by the long-time Democratic Congressman from NYC.

Carson, recently removed from the Fox News payroll to enable a run for the White House in 2016, has a huge problem with social welfare and anything that seems leftist. The GOP harbors a tremendous loathing of Alinsky, who died in 1972 and the reason is simple. He was for the poor, the marginalized, and the "have-nots."

Alinsky rejected the Republican blame-the-poor model which boils down to this:
Put poor elementary school children to work to instill in them a work ethic; cut welfare to promote “personal responsibility,” take away food stamps and reduce unemployment benefits so that the jobless are forced to work. The flip side is a call to augment the power of “job creators” by keeping their capital gains and estate taxes low. In this vision, change comes from above, not from below, and wealth whether inherited or acquired is a social good.

Oddly enough, Carson was a beneficiary of social welfare and government assistance growing up, yet has nothing but scorn for those who are in the same position he was. The 2016 GOP hopeful advises all Republicans to read the Alinsky piece so they can better understand their enemy.

Carson believes that Rangel is a staunch advocate of implementing Alinsky's ideas, as are all Democrats. The famed neurosurgeon said one of Alinsky’s tactics that is most apparent today is the “rabid” attempt to divide Americans, whether it is through class warfare, racial wars, or even the “war on women.”

The Teaparty is known for its inclusivity and defense of equal rights for women; yeah, perhaps in your dreams, Carson. Sure, the very same folks who vetoed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) are definitely supporters of the fairer sex.

Unfortunately for Mr. Carson, his claims that the Tea Party isn't racist are extremely easy to refute.
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