Elizabeth Warren Gets Senate Leadership Post

Warren's new role, which was created specifically for her, will be strategic policy adviser to the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.

So the Democrats really have learned something from this election! Very happy to hear it:

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) gained a leadership position in the Senate Democratic caucus Thursday, giving the prominent progressive senator a key role in shaping the party's policy priorities.

Warren's new role, which was created specifically for her, will be strategic policy adviser to the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, helping to craft the party's policy positions and priorities. She will also serve as a liaison to progressive groups to ensure they have a voice in leadership meetings and discussions, according to a source familiar with the role.

A source close to Warren told The Huffington Post that the senator was interested in the position because she wanted to have a seat at the table in the leadership meetings in order to influence the agenda.

Sources told HuffPost that Warren had the strong support of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who wanted her as part of his team.

Warren's presence in the weekly leadership meetings and her role helping to shape the caucus' policies are significant for progressives.Reid's support for Warren also underscores his desire to push progressive policies in the next Congress, a priority his office has confirmed.

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