Ferguson Grand Jury Announcement Expected Later Today

No matter what the jury concludes, this whole case reeked to high heaven.

What a disgrace this whole thing has been: The leaks, the portrayal of the victim, the way his body was treated, the obvious suppression of evidence. As reporters, we used to have a saying when we saw standard procedures ignored: "This smells funny." And boy, does this case smell funny. The accused cop didn't file a police report? He was allowed several weeks in seclusion to create his defense narrative -- no doubt with helpful leaks from his co-workers -- and no one said a word. Totally tainted, and it's unlikely that justice was done:

Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- Law enforcement in Ferguson is prepared for anything and everything once a grand jury decision is announced in the Michael Brown shooting, Missouri Public Safety Director Daniel Isom said Monday.

State and federal sources told CNN the grand jury decision will be announced on Monday.

Isom said ongoing dialogue with community members has led to "an understanding of the ground rules we'll move forward on."

"We're prepared for any decision that comes down," he said.

When asked about outside agitators, Isom said, "The people who come from outside will be clearly identifiable and we'll deal with those people as well."

The streets of Ferguson were quiet as the city waited to hear the grand jury's decision.
More businesses had boarded up their doors and windows over the weekend, in case protests take a violent turn, although most of the demonstrations so far have been peaceful. Community leaders and activists have called for calm.

Many residents just want to get the whole thing over with. Some said they have been hearing for days that a decision was imminent.

"I will believe it when I see it," said Stefannie Wheat.

The announcement will come from the St. Louis County prosecutor, the sources said.

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