Former 'Vampire Squid' VP Jim Himes Favored To Head Up DCCC

Matt Taibbi will have a field day with this if the Dems are dumb enough to name him.

So we get Elizabeth Warren working with the Senate, but we'll "balance" things with a hedge fund protector at the DCCC? Talk about a schizophrenic message! Via The Prospect:

With current DCCC Chair Steve Israel, Democrat of New York, stepping down, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi will shortly name a new chair. One of the people running hard for the job is Representative Jim Himes of Greenwich, Connecticut—hedge fund country. Rep. Himes' former job, before taking his seat in 2009, was vice president of Goldman Sachs. Of all Democrats in the House, he is probably closest to Wall Street.

As a member of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, one of Himes's prime goals has been looking out for the interests of hedge funds, private equity companies and other shadowy parts of the financial system, as well as big banks.

As a member of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, one of Himes's prime goals has been looking out for the interests of hedge funds, private equity companies and other shadowy parts of the financial system, as well as big banks. Himes is a prime sponsor of a bill, H.R. 1105, which would exempt hedge funds and private equity companies from key disclosure protection provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.

Himes also co-sponsored H.R. 992, whose key sections were drafted verbatim by Citigroup. The bill amends Dodd-Frank by allowing financial firms to speculate in swaps without losing eligibility for assistance from the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

Progressive Rep. Donna Edwards is also interested in the job. What do you suppose are her chances? We'll see.

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