Fox News' Favorite Black Republican: We Don't Have A Cop Problem

"Black America doesn't have a cop problem, Black America has a Liberal Democrat problem," according to Kevin Jackson, a Fox News regular.

Fox News is always trying to prove that there's an ulterior motive for profit when it comes to influential members of the Black community. The grotesque contortion of facts that support the narrative that Black America deserves what it gets is the unanimous opinion of the guests on the 'news' network. Who better to assess the exoneration of Darren Wilson than a known Obama Derangement Syndrome-afflicted, African-American Republican who has nothing but disdain for President Obama and other Democratic leaders. Fox News always projects its own insidious motives on anyone with an opposing viewpoint.

After a grand jury failed to indict Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown, it's only natural that Fox and Friends would find a proponent of white police officers who use lethal force on black youth. According to Blacksphere founder Kevin Jackson, a Liberal Democrat is behind the scenes pulling the strings to create violence while "sipping cocktails behind a gated community."

There is no doubt in Jackson's mind of Wilson's innocence, no matter what the evidence suggests. Jackson is the lapdog of the folks at GOP-TV and the singular "black friend" that puts suspicions to rest that the network harbors overt racism. Anyone with the sense that god gave a goose can see that Kevin Jackson makes Michael Steele seem like Malcolm X.

He claims Leftists (like Al Sharpton) are just race-pimpers, as he's said before, who are inciting violence in the community. They want us to buy into some narrative that we don't have a cop problem, we really have a "Liberal Democrat" problem.

Ironically, Kevin Jackson makes a very nice living by throwing members of his race under the bus. He's the one sipping cocktails in the safety of his gated community, while pretending that racism is a figment of the collective imaginations of Liberal America. He shamefully posts the most disrespectful images on his website.

Kevin Jackson proudly disrespects our twice duly elected president

There is nothing more deplorable than a man who sells out to right wingers who profit off the fallacy that racism is over. If anyone truly believes Fox News has any inkling of parity, they most likely believe that the slave trade enabled its victims to enjoy the stability of a nuclear family. The Blacksphere is a subsidiary of The Liberty Alliance, an organization on a par with the Heritage Foundation and the John Birch Society.

It's safe to say Kevin Jackson will say anything to appeal to the racists at Fox News and the Far Right to make a buck. He accuses people like Al Sharpton and President Obama of race-profiteering, which is merely projection of his source of income. It is eerily similar to the 'conservative' myth that Al Gore fabricated scientific findings on man-made climate change for profit, while the Koch Brothers are just job creators who don't hurt the environment one bit. Once again, Republicans prove they are on the wrong side of EVERYTHING!

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