Fox News' Hoenig Calls For The Elimination Of All Social Safety Nets

The crazy on this segment was over the top. Actor Wayne Rogers and Jonathan Hoenig have defected to The Libertarian Republic of Xenophobe.

In order for you to be considered a Fox News Contributor, you must have views that represent the red meat the base craves. Former M*A*S*H* star Wayne Rogers almost has a coronary over the ignorance of the American people that the terrible effrontery of Jonathan Gruber is not acknowledged by anyone other than Fox News. He has the opinion that illegals are hardly human and deserve no medical assistance under any circumstances. Then, not to be out-crazied by Rogers, Jonathan Hoenig starts his rant.

They show an alarming graphic to scare their viewers.

Immigrants Bad, Hedge Fund Guys Good.

Eric Bolling asks, "Do we need 4 or 5 or 20 million more on the Medicaid rolls." Hoenig, in a frenzy responds.
That's what the Republicans want. They want to save medicaid they want to strengthen medicare they want to ensure retirement security aka social security expansion. The Republicans put themselves out there as being against the Social Safety Net. They're not, they're for it. They just want to decide who gets it., This should be an argument against entitements too often we use this as a red herring against immigrants, this is about entitlements and the Republicans want to keep those. .

Hoenig, always the quintessential Libertarian, believes no one should EVER have a social safety net. He thinks the GOP is too far to the LEFT. Giving out money to those in need is akin to picking winners (to receive the paltry sums of public assistance) which is something he's against.

Hoenig is a hedge fund Libertarian extremist who doesn't seem to understand our president has had incredible success despite a horrific crumbling economy he inherited. He doesn't understand his hedge fund couldn't exist without the infrastructure the "socialist" society has provided. Hoenig is a typical I got mine, screw everyone else type of guy, so naturally, we'll be hearing from him again on Faux News.

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