Fox And Friends Praise Australia's Mistreatment Of Immigrants

The Abbott Government's immigration policy is unpopular in Australia, but the friends on the curvy couch don't believe in facts, they fawn over a xenophobe from Down Under.

To the average Fox and Friends viewer, a man with an exotic accent from the land of Oz is a fine choice to deliver the daily dose of essential fearmongering. Nick Adams, the author of American Boomerang, is a proponent of the incredibly unpopular policies of the Teabagger Down Under, Prime Minister and gaffe machine, Tony Abbott. Australia has its share of folks who are not afraid to tell him what they think.

Tony Abbott's approval rating is tenuous at best. Recent polls show men were 45% approve/50% disapprove and women 35% approve/51% disapprove. One reporter, when commenting on his xenophobic approach to immigration said,

“He offended the world's most populous Muslim country and one of Australia's closest and most important neighbors, Indonesia, over his handling of his policy to turn back boats carrying would-be asylum seekers from countries such as Afghanistan who often depart from Indonesia.”

Fox News and its audience are literally terrified of anyone who looks differently than they do. Naturally, a government that has been criticized and ridiculed for myriad reasons would serve as the paradigm for immigration policy. Abbott's Australia has been embarrassing especially among people from Nauru who have been treated abysmally.
But none of those human rights issues matter to these folks. Adams explains,

We had a terrible problem. We had tens of thousands of illegal immigrants coming on lots and lots of boats because we weakened our border protection policy. So the Conservative government came in and said, right, this has got to stop. We are a generous and caring people, but we have laws and things need to happen the right way. So we got tough because we know weakness is provocative and things like amnesty only lead to more and more immigration.

Aussie returns on "illegals" under Abbott Government

Now that Adams has everyone's attention, it's time to put them in checkmate for the win. In discussing immigration policy, why not insult Democrats in America to really get the Fox amigos to eat it all up. Adams says,

Well Elisabeth, it's liberal arithmetic straight from the Pelosi Institute and it's the last thing America needs...We haven't had one single illegal immigrant. Not ONE.

Fawning over Adams, Brian Kilmeade asks if there has been any pushback from folks who believe Australia isn't just for Australians.

So Adams plays the reverse-racism card:

Well, you've always got the politically correct types, Brian, the same people who are behind the idea that because I'm a white, Christian (of course), middle-class male, I don't get an opinion or a voice, but if I was a naked, gay, Ecuadorian wind-turbine engineer that got on his mat and faced Mecca five times a day with a credit line at the bank of Jihad, you know the world would be at my feet.

Right on cue, he admonishes President Obama for fundamentally changing (aka destroying) America and he cautions our nation to be as racist as his country's leadership. Fox News and Adams prefer a fundamentalist, science-denying, xenophobic white-supremacist who is the ideal leader of a frightened and ignorant population that will soon be in the minority. Thankfully, Australia is on to Abbott's antediluvian thinking and will close the history books on him as soon as he can be sent packing from Canberra in 2016.

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